Задание 1. Look at the sentences. How do we compare things in

... English? When do we use as.as? When do we usethan? When do we use more/less + adjective?
Cows are as big as horses.
Seals arent as smart as dolphins.
Alligators are longer than lizards.
Snakes are more dangerous than spiders.
Spiders are less dangerous than snakes.
Задание 2. Complete this paragraph with much, many, a lot of, littleor few.
There are many or a lot of animals that are invaders, but perhaps there are 1).(вставить слово), if any, invaders that are worse than humans, 200000 years ago there were very 2). (вставить слово) humans. Now there are nearly six bilion of them. Unfortunately, there isnt 3).(вставить слово) information about the early history of this species, but it seems certain that the first humans came from Ethiopia in east Africa. After 4).(вставить слово) thousands of years humans were living on every continent on Earth. How 5).(вставить слово) damage have these invaders caused? They have destoyed 6).(вставить слово) native plants and animals. Before humans, there was 7).(вставить слово) pollution. Now, there is 8).(вставить слово) pollution and it is causing 9). (вставить слово) harm to the global environment. It seems that humans need to change things about their lifestyle if they want to survive


1) Коровы такие же большие, как лошади.
Тюлени не такие умные, как дельфины. Аллигаторы длиннее ящериц. Змеи более опасны, чем пауки. Пауки менее опасны, чем змеи.
Мы употребляем as.as когда хотим сказать такие же как, than (чем) когда хотим сказать чем (то есть сравниваем что-то с чем-то), more (более)/less(менее)+прилагательное
2) 3.There is a lot of
4. many
5. How much