Задания » Переведите предложения

Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Вставьте нужный артикль: a) a; b) an; c) the; d) -
1. … world’s biggest brokerage firm sell insurance to its customers and lends them money.
2. He said he was … employee of … gas company.
3. He got … job in … south and spend … next two years doing … work he really enjoyed.
4. It is … pleasure to do business with such … efficient organization.
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Перевод предложений:
Баскетбол не так популярен как футбол
Он самый известный актер в Голливуде
Книги не так популярны как интернет
Волга — самая длинная река в Европе
Ты думаешь, что это упражнение самое сложное в книге?
Answer the questions:
Who is the most famous actor in our country?
What is the most boring day of the week for You?
What is the most interesting way to spend free time in your opinion?
What is the best part of your day?
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. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. There (are, were, will be) many students at the lecture yesterday.
2. There (is, was, will be) only one Institute in Omsk in 1920.
3. There (are, were, will be) a new Sports Centre next year.
4. There (are, were, will be) universities in the USA.
5. There (is, was, will be) a large library at the university.
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VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание употребление прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степенях. Подчеркните прилагательные в английских предложениях и укажите степень сравнения. 1. It is more convenient to carry these goods by lorry than by rail. 2. George Pullman invented the first sleeping car, which was much simpler in design than the sleeping cars of today, but it was much more suitable for long-distance travel than any other kind of cars in use at that time. 3. The underground railway is the quickest, safest, the most reliable and comfortable means of city transport. 4. The trip by high-speed ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn lasts an hour and a half, even faster than by plane. 5. Modern locomotives can haul the trains of 6.000 tons and heavier.
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VII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, употребив прилагательные, данные в скобках, в сравнительной или превосходной степени. 1. Airplanes are (fast) but (expensive) means of transportation. 2. The maintenance cost of a diesel locomotive is three times (great) than that of an electric locomotive. 3. The internal combustion engine is (powerful) than the steam engine because it uses (good)-quality fuel: petrol or kerosene. 4. Construction of the permanent way became (easy) and (quick) after the invention of special track-laying machines and other equipment. 5. Passengers traveling from Moscow to Vladivostok move the hands of their watches seven times because the Trans-Siberian Mainline, (long) railway on our planet, crosses seven time zones.
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V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление окончания -s.
1. The management of the Oktyabrskaya Railway pays much attention to the improvement of passengers’ service at the terminals 2. The engine driver’s cab is equipped with new signaling devices. 3. On the first railways, there were no conductors and an engine driver collected the passengers’ fares himself. 4. The engineers continue to work on the problem of increasing passenger trains’ speed. 5. After an hour’s break, we resumed our work.
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Переведите предложения правильно на английский:
1)В прошлую субботу он был на стадионе
2)Мой брат сейчас в школе
3)Его брат был вчера в кино
4)Мой брат будет дома завтра
5)Ты будешь дома завтра?
6)Он сейчас во дворе?
7)Она была вчера в парке?
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Используйте слова в подходящей форме.
New lands have always attracted people. Some. (geography) discoveries were made by chance or even due to mistakes. The travellers of the past did not have any. (rely) navigation devices. Maps were often inaccurate and incomplete which made mistakes. (avoidable). The dangers, however, didn’t stop the adventurers. They used every. (possible) for exploring the world. Lots of. (fortunate) travellers lost their lives, but those who survived kept searching for new lands, new goods, and new knowledge. The knowledge was, obviously, the most. (value) of these things.
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1. Родители часто напоминают (remind), чтобы я ни о чем не просила незнакомцев.
2. Миссис Сэтлиф спрашивает, не хочешь ли ты пить.
3. Мой сын говорит, что ему необходим компьютер.
4. Оратор считает, что знает, о чем говорит.
5. Эту женщину интересует, где вы раньше жили.
6. Наши соседи говорят, что если мы не придем к ним на вечеринку, они обидятся (to be hurt).
7. Брат просит, чтобы я не сердилась(to be angry with) на него.
8. Когда мы встречаемся, он всегда спрашивает, как я поживаю.
9. Мама всегда интересуется, с кем я ходила в кино.
10. Ник спрашивает, свободны ли мы в субботу вечером.
Перевод предложений
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Переведите предложения на английский (только не в переводчике
1. Вы сделали домашнее задание?
2. Он прожил в Лондоне Асю свою жизнь
3. Он никогда не был в России
4. Вы отвезли Аню в школу?
5. Они только что вернулись из Франции
6. Вы получили мое письмо?
7. Мы сделали все задания
8. Она ещё не уехала
9. У нас не было немецкого с прошлой недели
10. Мы не видели нашего учителя две недели

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Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на
функции инфинитива.
a) It is important to carry out theses changes as quickly as possible.
b) To encourage our employees to develop their skills is one of the
prime concerns of management.
c) The employers agreed to accept the terms pf the pay deal.
d) Another fact to be born in mind is that some of these ratios only
apply to domestic output.
e) The advanced countries provide technical experts to advise and
assist the developing countries in their efforts to achieve growth.
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Помогите с переводом егэ
For professional musicians, the instrument on which they play is more than just a tool of the trade. It can also be a muse, a partner and a voice.
Min Kym started playing the violin at age 6 and won her first competition at 11. Now, the former child prodigy is the author of a new book: Gone: A Girl, A Violin, A Life Unstrung, in which she shares her story of finding her perfect partner — only to have it stolen away.
"From a very young age, I was aware that the most important thing as a violinist and as a musician is to find your voice through the right instrument," Kym says. For a professional soloist, that means a top-shelf violin worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. And for Kym, that meant a Stradivarius. She had saved all of her competition winnings for this purpose; it was just a matter of finding the right one.
When she was 21, an instrument dealer brought her two violins to choose from. "And everybody was sort of pointing towards one of the violins, which had a incredibly sonorous and powerful sound — everything that, as a soloist, you would be looking for," Kym says.
So she tried that first violin. It sounded "magnificent," but something wasn’t right.
"It was like I was wearing an incredibly beautiful gown that didn’t suit me," she says. "And so I put it down and I picked up the other one. And it was smaller, it had been repaired — it had gone through the water. I could see that. However, when I played that first note, just, oh my goodness. I knew this was my voice."
She’d found her voice in the form of a rare 1696 Stradivarius, which she describes with wonder as having "an incredible soprano" and an audible "orbit around the notes."
"The first real, true partnership I felt was with this Strad," Kym says. "I had my violin for 10 years, and I was still getting to know it. Even after 10 years it was still showing me new things, it was teaching me new ways of playing."
Unfortunately, that partnership wasn’t meant to last. What happened next made headlines: One November evening, Kym and her boyfriend were sitting in a café in a London train station when three thieves snagged her violin out from under the table. She’s been reliving that moment ever since.
"It’s one of those things that I still find so horribly painful to talk about," she says. "I didn’t know who I was anymore, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt as though I was just a sort of shell of a person. You know, when it’s a human relationship, it’s something that everybody can relate to and understand. But I think as a violinist, as a musician, as an artist, when you know the relationship that you have with your particular art, it’s something that lives inside you and has a life of its own. And that’s very difficult to explain or describe."
Three years later, detectives were actually able to recover Kym’s violin. But her insurance company had paid out the claim after it was stolen, and she had a career to carry on with — so Kym had already used the money to buy a replacement violin. But she couldn’t stop thinking about the one she had lost. It was writing her memoir, she says, that helped her move forward.
"One of the most important things that I learned throughout this whole process is that we have such little control over anything," she says. "But one thing that we do control is how you deal with the next steps forward. Writing — actually finding this new voice — it helped unblock my musical life. And, you know, for the first time in seven years or so, I felt hopeful again."
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Укажите Participle I, II и установите функции каждого из них, т. Е. Укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.Retail banks are banks serving private customers.
2. Other British banks comprise all other banking institutions registered in the UK and banks in a islands.
3. The bank operated by our company extends the loan to your consortium.
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For decades Moscow has had a reputation as a city oftheatres. The birth plays of the historic "Bolshoy", "Maly" and"Moscow Art" theatres the city has been and steel is a centre forthe development exploretary modern ideas in the dramatic art andis famous for it’s great number of highlygifted, interestingdirectors, actors, playwrigts and artists.
Every evening the doors of Moscow theatres open to streamsof theatre-goers. The best Moscow theatres devoted themselves todevelopment of the principals of directing and acting laid down byStanislavsky, Meerhold, Nemerovich-Danchenko, Vachtangov andothers. The discoveries and successes of Moscow theatres todayexist due to experience and triumphs of preceding generations.
I’d like to tell you about the Bolshoy Theatre.
The magestic building of the Bolshoy Theatre stands inSverdlov Square in Moscow’s central quater, not far from Kremlin.This is the leading Russian opera house with the best vocalistsand choreographers in it’s company.
The Bolshoi traces it’s history to 1776 when a standingopera company was organized in Moscow. The first opera shown inBolshoi theatre was opera "life of tsar" (now "Ivan Susanin").Atlater times operas by Dargomyzhsky, Serov, Tcaikovsky, Borodin,Moussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Rubinstein were produced here.
At the same time the Bolshoi company staged the best operasand ballets by West European composers - Mozart, Rossini, Weber,Verdi and others.
The Bolshoi ballet company enjoys well-deserved fame as theworld’s finest ballet. This is equally true of it’s brilliant realistic style of perfomance and repertoire. Перевод
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Определите независимый причастный оборот в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения.
1.There is a great deal of difference in the phagocyte activity of cor­puscles concerning such substances as carbon and quartz particles, the former being ingested much more rapidly than the latter.
2. During the experiment the node and all efferent vessels were cleaned, care being taken to avoid trauma to the structures.
3. The heart is a double pump, the volumes expelled by the right and left ventricles being the same.
4. The experiment having been finished, we were ready to discuss it.
5. Diastole is the relaxation phase of the heartbeat, the atria and ventri­cles filling with blood.
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Write an e-mail your english pen friend about your favourite author, his best books and your favourite character.Write 80-100 words, перевод не нужен
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Перевод This is a story about a girl,Lucy,and her dog. One day she was on the beach There was a baby seal there! Lucy looked around for its mother. Lucy carried the bady seal and walked a long way. The dog helped her to find the seal’s mother behind a boat She was very happy to see her baby again!
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Вставьте пропущенные слова и выражения. Переведите предложения на русский язык
1. The mass media are …. (4 б. )
2. The mass media … the way we see the world and …. (3 б. )
3. It is good to listen to the radio in the car, or in the …. or when you do ……. (3б)
4. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and …. us with… (3б)
newspapers, something about the house, prefer, reliable information, radio, the main source, TV, wonderful possibilities, Internet, influence, provide, shape our views, open air
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Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form.
to avoid, aware, to betray, confidence, confident, defeat, to elect, to escape, favour, to influence, keen, to owe, selfish, sincere, sincerity, to struggle, to support, support, to trust, trust, to vote.
1. All the committee members. in favour of the proposal. 2. There was no reason to doubt the girl’s. in wishing to help. 3. The words were out before he could check them. Now there was no way of. embarrassment. 4. His. at the championship was something he still had to get over. He remembered his trainer saying that it would never do to be too. of one’s success. 5. As it was, the man could produce no evidence in. of his accusation and agreed to withdraw it. 6. If you wish for my true opinion, I’m not very. on detective stories, they never seem to amount to much. 7. From long years of experience he had learned to.
nobody’s judgement in such matters but his own. 8. The young scientist. much of his success to the professor who had always. him whole-heartedlyin whatever he did. 9. He had certainly been most. in his intentions, but what actually came of his efforts is quite a different matter. 10. The students had met to. someone as their representative on the committee. 11.1 made another effort but it was hopeless. It looked as if the name had. my memory completely. 12. The doctor walked on, lost in thought, and it was several minutes before he became. of what was happening around. 13. My friend explained that the information had been given him in. and he just couldn’t see himself betraying the. put in him. 14. The young man’s manner clearly. his emotion. He was asking no. he said, he was demanding his rights. 15. people seldom have friends. 16. The boat was. against a heavy wind. 17. It was useless trying to.
the girl. Her mind was made up.
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Fill in the blanks with "avoid" or "escape" according to tin sense.
1. The best way to. influenza during a flu epidemic is to. crowd* 2. He wondered how that particular detail could have. his attention.
3. She usually walked home from the office to. the rush hour crowds in the underground. 4. She’s a very observant person, nothing ever seems to. her notice. 5. As usual the boy had got away with his tricks and. punishment. 6. The title of the book. my memory. 7. Only when the car had passed did he realise how close he had been to danger and how lucky he was in. it. 8. Several times the Gadfly had narrowly. being caught by the police. 9. He didn’t ask any personal questions. embarrassing his visitor. 10. For some time now he had been. our company. 11. There could be no mistake about the hissing sound, it was gas. from the container. 12. They say that the only way to get the best of an argument is to. it.
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Вариант 8 1. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Indefinite Passive). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. The room.(to clean) every day. Paper.(to make) from wood. Many American programmes.(to show) on British television. This room (not to use) very often. We (to allow) to park here?
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Tutankhamun was a very young king - they called him the boy King. He was only 18 when he died, and the ancient Egyptians buried his mummy in a tomb in the valley of the Kings. His tomb was full of gold and treasure. In it, there were also clothes, shoes, and 32 model boats - the ancient Egyptians believed that people needed boats to travel to the afterlife
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с переводом
Twelve different and special dishes are traditional for this meal which begins only after the first star of the evening appears. The twelve dishes are to remind us of the twelve Apostles.

After a day of fasting, in remembrance of the hardships that Mary endured as she and Joseph to Bethlehem, preparations of a spiritual and physical nature set the mood for this Holy Night.

Food for the Holy Supper is prepared with no meat or dairy products. Hay is put under the table and the tablecloth as a reminder of the humble place of Christ’s birth. On top of a white or embroidered tablecloth is placed a Kolach, in the middle ofthe table. In the middle of the Kolach a candle is placed, which is left burning all night. A lit candle is also placed in the window to welcome any homeless person. There is always an extra table setting for the souls of the deceased. As dusk approaches, the head of the house brings in a Didukh, a sheaf of grain, and places it near the Icons. As the star appears, the father carries a bowl of Kutja around the home three times, reciting prayers. When all the family is at the table, prayers are recited and the Nativity Tropar is sung, "Boh Predvichny"

The first dish of the twelve is always Kuta, the eldest of the famil throws a spoonful of the kutja to the ceiling, the greater the good luck i the following year. The more kernels that stick to the ceiling, the greater the good luck in the following year.

After the completion of the twelve dishes, nuts and candies are scattered in the hay under the table for the children to find. Throughout the rest of the evening, Christmas carols are sung by the family.

When it is almost midnight, all the members of the family go to the Nativity Mass, a celebration of Christ’s birth. The following day and up to Jordan carolers visit families and friends, starting with the home of the priest, proclaiming the birth of Christ, our Saviour. The Holy days of the Christmas season end on January 20, the feast of St. John, the Baptist.

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с переводом
Twelve different and special dishes are traditional for this meal which begins only after the first star of the evening appears. The twelve dishes are to remind us of the twelve Apostles.
After a day of fasting, in remembrance of the hardships that Mary endured as she and Joseph to Bethlehem, preparations of a spiritual and physical nature set the mood for this Holy Night.
Food for the Holy Supper is prepared with no meat or dairy products. Hay is put under the table and the tablecloth as a reminder of the humble place of Christ’s birth. On top of a white or embroidered tablecloth is placed a Kolach, in the middle ofthe table. In the middle of the Kolach a candle is placed, which is left burning all night. A lit candle is also placed in the window to welcome any homeless person. There is always an extra table setting for the souls of the deceased. As dusk approaches, the head of the house brings in a Didukh, a sheaf of grain, and places it near the Icons. As the star appears, the father carries a bowl of Kutja around the home three times, reciting prayers. When all the family is at the table, prayers are recited and the Nativity Tropar is sung, "Boh Predvichny"
The first dish of the twelve is always Kuta, the eldest of the famil throws a spoonful of the kutja to the ceiling, the greater the good luck i the following year. The more kernels that stick to the ceiling, the greater the good luck in the following year.
After the completion of the twelve dishes, nuts and candies are scattered in the hay under the table for the children to find. Throughout the rest of the evening, Christmas carols are sung by the family.
When it is almost midnight, all the members of the family go to the Nativity Mass, a celebration of Christ’s birth. The following day and up to Jordan carolers visit families and friends, starting with the home of the priest, proclaiming the birth of Christ, our Saviour. The Holy days of the Christmas season end on January 20, the feast of St. John, the Baptist.

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1. Добавьте окончание –ing к глаголам в следующих предложениях, предложения переведите :
1. I am … tea. (drink) 2. He is … breakfast. (have) 3. I am … a letter (write) 4. They are … Spanish. (study) 5. The students are … to the lecturer. (listen) 6. John is … at his project now. (work) 7. They are … the text (translate) 8. She is … abroad (travel). 9. They are … a new grammar rule. (learn) 10. We are … the English text (read)
2. Выберите правильную форму глагола в Present Simple Tense или в Present Continuous Tense, предложения переведите :
1. The river Nile (flows/is flowing) into the Mediterranean. 2. My parents (are living/live) in Moscow. 3. He usually (stays/is staying) at the Baltimor Hotel when he is in London. 4. Don’t forget to take your umbrella. It (rains/is raining) heavily outside. 5. I (am leaving/leave). Good night. 6. My dad is a teacher, but he (doesn’t work/is not working) at the moment. 7. The boy (does/is doing) his homework now. 8. They seldom (quarrel/are quarrelling). 9. The Earth (moves/is moving) round the Sun.
3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обратите внимание на форму глагола :
1. I am at my English lesson. I am sitting and doing my exercises. My friend is standing at the blackboard and looking at the teacher. 2. It is getting cold now. Look out. Is it raining now? 3. You are late. What were you doing? I was translating the article. 4. When I came home my parents were having supper and at the same time watching TV. 5. What was he doing when I rang up an hour ago? He was looking through a newspaper. 6. Tomorrow we shall be preparing for a test for the whole evening. 7. In July they will be taking their exams for the whole month. 8. What will you be doing tonight at 10 o’clock? Will you be working? No, I shall be reading a book at this hour.
4. Добавьте окончание –ing к глаголам в следующих предложениях, предложения переведите :
1. He is … his father (help) 2. My sister is …now. (rest). 3. The child is … now (sleep). 4. At the moment they are … to the river to swim (go) 5. The teacher is … new material to the students. (explain). 6. We are … TV program now. (watch) 7. She is … her sister to school now. (take) 8. They are … an expedition to the North (plan) 9. He is … his new method (demonstrate) 10. She is … a beautiful Russian folk song. (sing)
5. Выберите правильную форму глагола в Present Simple Tense или в других формах, предложения переведите :
1. Now they (are crossing/cross) the street. 2. Birds (fly/are flying) to warm countries in autumn. 3. The children often (laugh/are laughing) at their funny little friend. 4. She always (talks/is talking) to him on the telephone. 5. Don’t disturb her, she (is working/works) at her essay. 5. She seldom (comes/is coming ) home so early. 7. Where are the children? They (are playing/play) computer games. 8. Now we (read/are reading) the first English book in the original. 9. She always (worries/is worrying) about her children.
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Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите 1.their friends_at home now. Перевод 2.our children_ok. Перевод. 3 mrs white_at schol yesterday. Перевод. 4 her mother_at work now. Перевод. 5.my favourite holiday_chistmas. Перевод. 6.his garden_beautiful next year. Перевод. 7.my father_from america. Перевод. 8.what_his name? Перевод.
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A My dad used to race cars, and I watched him when was younger. I loved the crowds and the atmosphere. I competed in karts when i was nine. Then i drove rally cars. This year, I’m going to have a go at Formula 3Перевод нужен
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Перевод пожалйсто только не через Гогл
Our towns, cities and motorways can by unusual buildings, statues and roadside attractions! They bring an element of surprise and humour to everyday places come in many shapes and sizes. Here are some of the largest roadside attractions in the world. How would you like to stand in the mouth of the animals, llke koalas, kangaroos, and emus can be seen there and world’s biggest dinosaur? It might sound scary but this is no people can take a ride around the on the or foreglass, stands This creature is made out of steel and on a small train. There’s also a restaurant and anyone who hat 65.770 kg. Since 26 metres tall and weighs an astonishing sweet tooth will be dazzled by the setecuon of sweet treats thousands it was first opened, it has been toured by made from pineapple and other tropical fruit. of vistory to Drumheller in Alberta, Canada. scary, but People driving along Kennon Road to Baguio City in the Dinosaur visitors are entertained all the way up Philippines have all noticed the same thing: a giant lion’s head in cases bones and fossils have been The head is 12 metres high and has been carved painted lining put on display out of umestone, Snacks and drinks can the with the stairway. Also, the walls have been be bought from nearby stalls and makes the beautiful murals by a local artist, and miniature souvenir lion heads may fantastik view from the mouth of the beast whole cimb worthwhile. be found there, too. A tnp to if you are ever in Baguio wouldn’t be complete stop at Woombye Queensland, Australia, why not without posing for a photo 16 metre-high to visit the Big Pineapple? This next to the mighty beast. So has been a fruit is made out of fibregass and if you are ever driving popular tourist attraction since 1971 down Kennon Road, This huge creation was built at pineapple don’t forget to stop off plantation and wildlife reserve. Ausualian for a nice break.
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