Задания » Переведите предложения

Переводите в косвенную речь:
"Alright then, we’ll meet after the lesson," she said.
"No way! I won’t tell them," he said.
"Open your books and start reading, children," the teacher said.
"Would you like to come to my party, John?" she said.
"Let’s go to the park!" she said.
"You should be more careful in the future," he said.
"Did you pass the exam?" I said to Joe.
"I’m doing my homework," the boy said.
"What were you doing when the lights went off?” she asked me.
"Do you mind closing the window, please? It’s getting cold" she said to the man.
"Did you enjoy the meal?" she said to me.
"Would you like another biscuit, John?" he said.
"Remember to check the tyres before leaving," they said to us.
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Переведите предложения на английский(не с переводчика пж)
1. Моя машина быстрее чем твоя.
2. Она самая красивая в школе.
3. Эта книга интересней чем эти три.
4. Мери ниже Хэлен.
5. Математика тяжелее чем история.
6. Она самая красивая в её классе.
7. Джек самый плохой студент в этом институте.
8. Лошадь больше чем собака.
9. Мышь меньше чем кот.
10. Та красная футболка дороже всех.
11. Зима самый холодный сезон в году.
12. Том самый старший всех.
13. Лето самый жаркий сезон.
14 Смотреть телевизор намного лучше чем слушать радио.
15. Моя комната светлее её.
16. Том внимательней Джона.
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1. Выберите из скобок глагол в правильной форме. Переведите предложения.
He … (works/is working) for a big insurance company. Water always … (boils/is boiling) at 100 degrees. I … (wait/am waiting) for my doctor at the moment. Bob, stop! You … (eat/are eating) too fast. She … (has/is having) four brothers. Switch off the radio, please. You … (don’t listen/aren’t listening) to it. I know my bad habit: I often … (talk/am talking) too loudly. Look at the picture. An elegant lady … (rides/is riding) a horse. Give me some salt, please. I … (make/am making) seafood salad. Mary never … (speaks/is speaking) to strange people.
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Выполните корректный перевод:
7. Athlete’s declaration
I, certify that the information set out at sections 1, 5 and 6 is accurate. I authorize the release of personal medical information to the International Skating Union (ISU) as well as to WADA authorized staff, to the WADA TUEC (Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee) and to other ADO TU’ECs and authorized staff that may have a right to this information under the World Anti-Doping Code ("Code") and/or the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions.
I consent to my physician(s) releasing to the above persons any health information that they deem necessary in order to consider and determine my application.
I understand that my information will only be used for evaluating my TUE request and in the context of potential anti-doping rule violation investigations and procedures. I understand that if I ever wish to (1) obtain more information about the use of my health information; (2) exercise my right of access and correction; or (3) revoke the right of these organizations to obtain my health information, I must notify my medical practitioner and the ISU in writing of that fact. I understand and agree that it may be necessary for TUE-related information submitted prior to revoking my consent to be retained for the sole purpose of establishing a possible anti-doping rule violation, where this is required by the Code.
I consent to the decision on this application being made available to all ADOs, or other organizations, with Testing authority and/or results management authority over me.
I understand and accept that the recipients of my information and of the decision on this application may be located outside the country where I reside. In some of these countries data protection and privacy laws may not be equivalent to those in my country of residence.
I understand that if I believe that my Personal Information is not used in conformity with this consent and the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information, I can file a complaint to WADA or CAS.
Athlete’s signature: Date:
Parent’s/Guardian’s signature: Date:
(if the athlete is a minor or has a disability preventing himu’her from signing this form. A parent or guardian shall sign together with or on behalf of the athlete)
Please submit the completed form to the ISU either by post or email at [email protected]
and keep a copy for your records/
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Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Every day he stands up. 7 o’clock. She goes. office now. Take these books. the table. Come. that room, please. The chair is. the window. Tom tells us. his children. They will be ready. half an hour. Usually Jane dinners. 13. 14 o’clock. I prefer to write. a pen. This work was adopted. all experts. Tula isn’t far. Moscow. The Institute is situated. the hospital.
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Sciense Museum
its one of the most popular of londons meseums. it was founded in 1857. The science museum is worth visiting because it is famous for its big collections (from airplane to microchips), interesting exhibitions and special activities. the museum offers activities both for aduits and children. Visitors can learn a lot about modern science, take an active part in experiments and meet face-to-face with the future.
Visitors can also spend an amazing science Night in the museum, see a film in IMAX 3D cinema, have a dirthday party and enjoy original souvenirs.
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Точный перевод.
1)Clare won’t be very happy if it rains on her birthday.
2)Danny will meet us at the café unless he has to work.
3)If you don’t feel better tomorrow, I’ll ring the doctor.
4)Unless we leave soon, we’ll miss the train.
5)Nadia will go to the barbecue if she can.
6)If everyone comes on Saturday, we’ll have 30 guests.
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1) A: Have you ever been to London?
B: No, I have never been there
2) A: Have you seen the Parthenon yet?
B: Yes, I have already seen it. It’s amazing!
3) A: Has Damien ever gone skiing?
B: No, he hasn’t. He doesn’t like it.
4) A: Is Akim at home, yet please?
B: No, I’m afraid he’s already gone out
5) A: I’m afraid I have never visited the Melbourne Museum and I’ve been in Melbourne for a whole year.
B: Really? I already have. It’s fantastic!
6) A: How long have you and Ben been friends?
B: We’ve been friends for twelve years.
7) A: I have just cooked dinner.
B: That’s good because I haven’t eaten yet and I’m really hungry.
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Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного, и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The Thames is (short) than the Volga. 2. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean. 3. Chinese is (difficult) than English. 4. Spanish is (easy) than German. 5. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday. 6. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year. 7. January is the (cold) month of the year. 8. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 9. Which is the (hot) month of the year? 10. Which is the (beautiful) place in this part of the country? 11. This good-looking girl is the (good) student in our group. 12. Her eyes are (grey) than mine. 13. He was the (fat) in the village. 14. As he went on, the box became (heavy) and (heavy). 15. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class.
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Перевод нужен The main share in the export of Kazakhstan to the USA belong to ferrous and non-ferrous metals, fuel chemical products. Though the share of the USA in the foreign trade of Kazakhstan is not very large, the USA is the largest investor to the economy of Kazakhstan.In the year of 2001 American investments to Kazakhstan amounted to USD 1,4 bilion. The main part of the American capital is concentrated in the mineral resourse industry, in particular, in the oil and gas sector and us
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Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle II. Подчеркните причастия II в английских предложениях и в переводе.
1. Electronically based payment systems have been in existence since 1989 and are now almost universal.
2. Every employee has the tax deducted weekly or monthly.
3. In obtaining and using the capital, the decisions made by managers affect the overall financial success of a company.
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Переведите предложения в Passive Voice:
We pronounce the consonant with aspiration.
We form the Present Perfect Tense with the help of the auxiliary verb "to have".
They told her the truth.
She promised me a book.
She’s cooked the cake very well.
On uses chalk for writing on the blackboard.
I’ll finish my work at about seven.
Someone has opened the door.
The waitress brought in the coffee.
One of my friends took me to the pictures last week.
They’ll meet me at the station.
We shall finish this work in time.
They built the house in 1980.
They didn’t invite me to the birthday party because they didn’t know I was in Moscow.
I didn’t leave the windows open.
The didn’t turn off the light.
I have invited some friends to tea.
She’s given me an English book.
Have you written the letter yet?
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You asked me why I like reading books, didn’t you? I have to say that books were my best friends for many years. You know, I’m the only child in my family. My parents were always busy with their work and I spent a lot of time playing with my toys. The hut from time to time lime, especially on holidays, they used to give me wonderful new books: fairy tales, fantasy books, science fiction. Some of them were written a long time ago. But 1 enjoyed diem very much. And they’re still interesting to people of my generation. That’s why 1 count books of the most ancient media
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Нужен перевод
Relationship banking can help to minimise principal agent and adverse selection problems. Lender and borrower are said to have arelational contract if there is an understanding between both parties that it is likely to be some time before certain characteristics related to the contract can be observed. Over an extended period of time, the customer relies on the bank to supply financial services. The bank depends onlong-standing borrowers to repay their loans and to purchase related financial services. A relational contract improves information flows between the parties and allows lenders to gain specific knowledge about the borrower. It also allows for flexibility of response should there be any unforeseen events.
However, there is more scope for borrower opportunism in a relational contract because of the information advantage the borrower normally has. The Jurgen¨ Schneider/Deutsche Bank case is a good example of how relationship banking can go wrong. Mr Schneider, a property developer, was a long-standingcorporate client of Deutsche Bank. Both parties profited from an excellent relationship over a long period of time. However, when the business empire began to get into trouble, Schneider was able to disguiseever-increasinglarge debts in his corporation because of the good record and long relationship he had with the bank. Schneider forged loan applications and other documents to dupe Deutsche and other banks into agreeing additional loans.
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Нужен англо-русский перевод:
The island of Ireland in the middle,and high on the outside.Because of this,the middle of Ireland is full of beautiful lakes and rivers,where people fish and sail.Ireland’s largest lake is Lough Neagh the longest river is 385 km long.It is the Shannon which goes through many small lakes and two large ones-Lough Ree and Lough Derg.Most of the mountains are near the sea,the highest is in the southwest.But they are beautiful and good places to walk
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Помогите с переводом,
Vernon Davies lived in London and kept birds,
which were called budgies ( попугайчик). One day he phoned his friend and asked to feed
the birds as he was going to Wales for a week. He said he’d leave food ready
in his kitchen. A key to his front door would be left in the letterbox of
his friend’s flat.
His friend forgot about the birds untill the night
before Vernon was going to return. He also forgot about the key and tried
to get to Vernon’s house through a window. He thought that poor birds would
either be dead or dying.
As a result, when he reached the window, a policeman
came and shone a torch at him, asking what was he doing there.
"Oh",he said, "I was just going
to get in to give some food to Mr Davies’ birds!"
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9. Заполни пропуски нужной формой глаголов to be или to have, выражающих значение долженствования, и переведите предложения.
1. Ann______________ to open the window for a while every day, because her grandpa doesn’t go out. ______________________________________________________
2. He ______________to wear glasses as his eyesight is very weak. ______________________________________________________
3. Jack _____________ to do it, because his wife was ill. ______________________________________________________
4. My father _____________ to give some money to our mother. ______________________________________________________
5. You _________________to learn all the rules for the next lesson.
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6. Переведите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола в настоящем времени.
на заводе.
Мой отец работает сейчас. Не зови его.
здесь уже много лет.
на нескольких языках.
Наша учительница говорит по телефону уже 10 минут,
(разговаривает) с директором сейчас.
у входа (обычно).
Он ждет меня пока я закончу писать письмо.
уже около часа.
очень часто (осенью).
Дождь идет сегодня. Возьми зонтик.
уже 3 часа.
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9. Заполни пропуски нужной формой глаголов to be или to have, выражающих значение долженствования, и переведите предложения.
1. Ann______________ to open the window for a while every day, because her grandpa doesn’t go out.
2. He ______________to wear glasses as his eyesight is very weak.
3. Jack _____________ to do it, because his wife was ill.
4. My father _____________ to give some money to our mother.
5. You _________________to learn all the rules for the next lesson.

10. Употребите глаголы в скобках в форме герундия и переведите предложения.
1. You enjoy (to travel) __________________ all over the world.
2. Do you mind her (to move) ________________to him?
3. (to get)_______________ letters from relatives is pleasant.
4. I like (to swim)_______________ quickly in the river.
5. They rested after (to pass) _________________exams.
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Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо, и переведите предложения.
1. What about having … snack? 2. We all had … jolly good laugh. 3. I asked Sue when we could meet for … chat. 4. Would you like to have … dinner with me? 5. Take … seat. We are going to have … long talk. 6. Have you ever had … lunch at this restaurant. 7. We’ll have to make … fire to get warm. 8. Did you have … good time at the graduation party? 9. Steve goes out every hour to have … smoke. 10. The secretary would like to make … appointment for Thursday. 11. Linda has … splitting headache today. 12. Every morning before breakfast he has … swim. 13. Just have … look at that funny boy over there. 14. He called a lawyer as he wished to make … will. 15. Are you going to make … speech at the ceremony? 16. Whether you want it or not, I am going to give you … piece of my mind. 17. There are people who are always ready to give you … hand when you are in trouble. 18. The sponsor offers them to give … support with advice and money. 19. Any woman would make … fuss in such …. situation. 20. Would you like to have … rest after dinner? Just for … half an hour.
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выполнить письменный перевод предложений
•  На Марсе нет кислорода
•  Он ищет словарь
•  Я плачу за квартиру сам.
•  На Земле теплее, чем на Марсе.
•  Нам нужно почистить ковер.
•  Он пошел в библиотеку.
•  Какую тему вы проходили на занятии?
•  Он жертвует деньги на благотворительность.
•  Вчера был очень красивый закат.
•  Ты взял защитный крем?
•  Все кроме него написали тест хорошо.
•  Они забронировали номер с видом на бухту.
•  Она любит яркие цвета.
•  Мы никогда не были за границей.
•  Кошка — домашнее животное.
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Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную
Will you come again? She asked
Why are you late? I asked her
Where were youyesterday? His father asked
Who has broken the window? The teacher shouted
Where will we meet next time?she asked
What can I do for you? She asked
Why are you smilling?he asked
Если возможно, то краткое обяснение
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прочесть как читается по английскому русскими словами. I have a favorite toy whose name is Boss Sucker.He has beautiful green eyes,sheerful smile he wears diapers because heis a child.Boss Sucker love to eat cereal and his favorite food is a delicious milk.This toy has become my favorite because she’s sweet and kind and I like to play with her and sleer.
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Упражнение 1. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на PRESENT PERFECT. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.
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Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на использование Present Perfect или Past Indefinite после since.
1. Сколько я его знаю, он всегда был трудолюбивым человеком. 2. С тех пор, как я познакомилась с ним, он всегда был мне хорошим другом. 3. С тех пор, как Павел приехал в этот город, он сменил три работы. 4. За то время, что он здесь, он перессорился со всеми со- селями. 5.3a то время, что он здесь, он посетил все музеи города. 6. С тех пор, как он приехал в Испанию, он осмотрел все достопримечательности этой страны. 7 Кейт очень изменилась за то время, что мы не видели друг друга. 8 Кейт очень изменилась с тех пор как мы виделись в последний раз. 9. Я не езжу на этой машине с тех пор, как я попала в аварию. 10. За то время, что этот дом принадлежит нам, мы три раза делали полный ремонт.
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Нужен правильный перевод.
Record numbers of workers are planning a career break. The latest research says that many people want to leave their job and travel the world. In the past, a gap year was for students or rich people. Now more and more ordinary workers are taking a break from their job. Almost one in five British workers - around five and a half million - are planning to take a break from their careers. In the past five years, three million employees have taken a break. The research shows that more than half the people who are taking a career break want to travel and see the world. A third are looking for a break from office life.
Gap Year for Grown Ups is a company that provides career break projects for people over thirty. Even people in their fifties and sixties are taking career breaks. Some people went straight from university to work and now they want to travel. The majority of people who book with Gap Year for Grown Ups are women. Eighty per cent of their clients are female. Africa is the most popular destination. And South America is becoming more and more popular for people who want to do voluntary work as well as travel and go sightseeing.
British workers like companies that offer career breaks to their staff. One in four employees works for a company where career breaks are a staff perk. The government and finance and insurance industries are leading the way - 40 per cent of their employees can take a career break. They are followed by IT, telecoms staff (36 per cent), and medicine / the health service (25 per cent). The research shows that career breaks also help employers: companies that offer career breaks are able to recruit and keep good staff.
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ПЕРЕВОД Kzakhstan is the 9th biggest country in the world. There are about 18million people and 130 nationalities live in Kz. The capital of Kz is Astana and there is situated Bayterek. Bayterek - the symbol of kz. It is one of the biggest building in Kz. Its length 105m. And there is situated the bigges sfera Nur Alem. It was Kazakhstan’s povilion in Expo 2017. It is very big and beautiful modern building.
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