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Use the plan below to write a for-and-against essay

... about whRther there should be free wifi at schools.
Introduction : state the topic.
Main body:
-points for free wifi at schools
-points against free wifi at school
Sum up the advantages and disadvantages


Today many people use internet but sometimes some people think that it isn’t good for some persons like children.
Of course, it has some positive sides: firstly, they can find some useful information in internet to know more about world. Also children can meet there and have friends. They can speak with them about their live, emotions and plans and know that their friend listens him.
At other hand they can find something that will hurt them psychically as example pictures that contains gore, blood or other things. Also they can find there mad people who wants to hurt, rape or even murder them. At last, they can find some bad advices like call to use drugs, to drink  and alcohol etc.
Finally, I think that internet is good for children but only under parents’ control