Составить диалог между (мама/папа/сын/дочь) и человеком который даёт советы как избавиться от конфликта. К

... примеру сыну не купили телефон. Не менее 5 предложений с двух сторон. + заключение какое-нибудь.


-Hello! Hey, has something happened? You don’t look too happy.
-My son told me that I’m a jerk because I didn’t buy him a new smartphone

-Ow, that’s bad. You should teach him to respect you
-How would I do that? Besides, isn’t that too rough for a child?

-Well, you could tell him you’ll buy him something else.
-I’m not sure he’ll like that, he told me about that exact phone.
-Well, if not that, you could explain him that parents’ love is much more important than a new gadget.

-Oh, this one is pretty good, I think. Thanks for the advice.
-You’re welcome.
Kids, you shouldn’t ask parents things they can’t do and make them guilty because of that.