Помогите надо написать монологи на темы ( хоть с одной):
1. My favorite

... season is winter.
2. Man and natural world.
3. Vocation in england.
4. Vocation is scotland.
5. My favorite play writer Shakespeare


My favorite season is winter.
There are four seasons and twelve months in a year. Winter, spring, summer and autumn are the seasones of a year.  There are three months in each season. Most of all, I like winter.
December, January and February are winter months. It is usually very cold in winter. It often snows. The days become shorter and the nights is longer. There are two great holidays in winter. The 25th of December is Christmas day in England. In Russia we celebrate New Year’s Day on the 1st January. 
Winter is the white queen which covers everything with cold, soft and fluffy blanket of snow. Nature sleeps restoring strengh before new coil of year cycle.