Заполни таблицу
Active Passive
1The professor made us set to work.

... 1 -
2 - 2 Thechildren were not alowed to take part in the procession
3 - 3 He was made to solve the problem immediately.
4 My friend’s mother didn’t him buy a col- 4 -
lection of beatiful stones.
5 The doctor made the nurse test the 5 -
patient’s blood pressure again.
6 - 6 Most of European government made to stop nuclear tests.
7 Our chemisty teacher doesn’t let us mix 7 -
these two gases.
8 - 8 Sam was never allowed to smoke

9 I won’t let you give sugar to the dog 9 -
10 - 10 I was made to act on the stage, though I don’t like performing



1The professor made us set to work. 
4 My friend’s mother didn’t him buy a collection of beatiful stones.      
5 The doctor made the nurse test the patient’s blood pressure again.  
7 Our chemisty teacher doesn’t let us mix these two gases. 
9 I won’t let you give sugar to the dog.
2  The children were not alowed to take part in the procession.
3 He was made to solve the problem immediately.
6 Most of European governments were made to stop nuclear tests.
8 Sam was never allowed to smoke.
10 I was made to act on the stage, though I don’t like performing.