I believe that if a person initially begins to treat his neighbor with kindness, then this leads to a fairly close relationship in the future.
What kind of person will not be happy, for example, with warm words addressed to him?
Responsiveness is a component of kindness.
Who will not be happy to help in a difficult situation?
After such kind actions, trust is born.
Is not a person happy with what someone could say?
After you realize that a person has kept your secret secretly from everyone - it becomes clear that this person values you and respects you.
How can you treat yourself with indifference to yourself?
So love grows
In my opinion, if a person has good feelings for their fellow, they will have a good relationship in future. For example, who doesnt love to hear nice words relayed to them?
Responsiveness is a part of kindness. Who doesnt want to be helped out in a difficult situation? Trust is born after nice actions. A person will be happy to disembosom, wont they? Its clear that a person respects your when they have kept your secret. How is it possible to be cold-hearted to these relationship? This is how love grows.