Составить (5 утверд. 5 отриц. 5 вопросительных без ответов) предложений на тему PRESENT SIMPL!


1. She usually goes to bed early.
She usually doesn’t go to bed early.
Does she usually go to bed early?
2. He plays football every Sunday.
He doesn’t play football every Sunday.
Does he play football every Sunday?
3. They don’t speak Russian at the lessons.
They always speak English at the lessons.
What language do they speak at the lessons?
4. Every morning I usually have my breakfast at half past seven.
I usually don’t have my breakfast at eight o’clock.
What time do you usually have your breakfast?
5. Every year my parents spend their holidays at the seaside.
Every year my parents don’t spend their holidays in the town.
Do your parents spend their holidays at the seaside?