Напишите 15 легеньких коротких речень про лікаря, маю на увазі не про професію а

... про хворобу, візит до лікаря на англійській мові


1. I’ve got a splitting headache
2. I’ve got a terrible toothche
3. I have a sharp pain in my ear
4. He fell down and hurt my elbow
5. What is the problem? said doctor
I sprained my ankle - said boy
6. I have a sore throat and a runny nose, and I’m sneezing a lot
7. She has a bad cough and my chest hurts
8.We’ll take an X-ray of your foot
9.Doctor asked her, are you allergic to any medication?
10.Doctors should always give patient all information about their illnesses and chances of recovery.
11. You don’t look well.Are you sick?
12. I have a earache and a fever
13. I was always afraid of dentists
14. I’ve got a fever and headache.
15. I wake up and I feel dizzy and weak.