1.He had the kind of heart trouble that comes to much older people. У нее проблемы с сердцем, которые появляются у людей намного старше.
2. His reading was more extensivethan ever before.
Его чтение было более обширным, чем когда-либо раньше.\Он был более начитанным, чем когда-либо раньше.
3. Its the biggestrisk that I have ever had to take. Это самый большой риск, которые мне когда-либо приходилось принимать.
4. He had the consolation of nothing that his friend was less sluggish than before. Он утешил себя в том, что его друг был менее вялым, чем раньше.
5. The sooner this is done, the better. Чем раньше это будет сделано, тем лучше.
6. The sun is not too hot today as I thought it wold be Солнце сегодня не слишком (не такое) жаркое, какое могло быть (по моим предположениям).
4. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения, и переведите их на русский язык.
1. She had the kind of heart trouble that comes to much older people.
2. His reading was more extensive than ever before.
3. Its the biggest risk Ive ever had to take.
4. He had the consolation of noting that his friend was less sluggish than before.
5. The sooner this is done, the better.
6. The sun is not so hot today as I thought it would be.
1. She had the kind of heart trouble that comes to much older people.
2. His reading was more extensive than ever before.
3. Its the biggest risk Ive ever had to take.
4. He had the consolation of noting that his friend was less sluggish than before.
5. The sooner this is done, the better.
6. The sun is not so hot today as I thought it would be.
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