1. Complete the sentences with verbs in brackets in the infinitive or -ing form.

1 Olivia is helping.children at her local school (teach).
2 Larry is preparing.his driving test tomorrow. We all hope he’ll pass. (take)
3 Pete is learning.French- so he can talk to his new customers
in Paris. (speak)
4 Fiona and Chris enjoy.tennis at the club. (play)
5 Steve goes.at the new pool every Saturday afternoon. (swim)
6 Dave pretends.classical music, but he hates it really. (like)
7 Doreen’s house is always perfect. She does some.before work every day.(clean)


1 Olivia is helping children to teach at her local school. 
2 Larry is preparing to take his driving test tomorrow
3 Pete is learning to speak French so he can talk to his new customers in Paris
4 Fiona and Chris enjoy playing tennis at the club. 
5 Steve goes swimming at the new pool every Saturday afternoon
6 Dave pretends to like classical music, but he hates it really
7 She does some cleaning before work every day.

1. Olivia is helping to teach children at her local school. 
2. Larry is preparing to take his driving test tomorrow. We all hope he’ll pass.
3. Pete is learning to speak French - so he can talk to his new customers in Paris.
4. Fiona and Chris enjoy playing tennis at the club.  
5. Steve goes swimming at the new pool every Saturday afternoon. 
6. Dave pretends to like classical music, but he hates it really.  
7. Doreen’s house is always perfect. She does some cleaning before work every day.