Task 3 Choose the correct item. 1 You. get off the street now! A

... must B shall C would 2 He. have gone to the homeless shelter; it’s very cold. A would B should C can’t 3. I take the rubbish out later, Mum? A Would B Need C Can 4 You. be rude to the elderly. A needn’t B couldn’t C mustn’t 5 We. ban all public transport in the city centre. A don’t need B need C must 6 We. to do what we can for those in need. A ought B should C must 7 You. bring food; there are food stalls everywhere. A mustn’t B needn’t C should 8 She. read and write when she was three. A would B must C could


1 must
2 should
3 can
4 mustn’t
5 must
6 ought
7 needn’t
8 could

1 предложение-пропущено must, 2предложение- пропущено should, 3 предложение-пропущено can, 4 предложение-пропущено mustn’t, 5 предложение-пропущено must, 6 предложение- пропущено ought
7 предложение- пропущено needn’t, 8 предложение-пропущено could