1. Helps to lose and maintain weight. Ate a piece of cake at a party - go home on foot, kilometers 5-10. You need to go quickly. Your priest will stay healthy.
(Attention, the foregoing does not mean that even with regular walking you can eat as much as you want)
2. Beautiful and interesting. During the walk you can admire the houses, trees, cars, people, clouds, snowflakes, lights - the world is at your service. Of course, it’s better not to walk around the industrial zones and dumps.
3. This physical load is available most lazy. For morning exercises you need willpower, running requires some physical training. And for walking you only need legs and regularity.
4. This is a load without financial costs. You do not need sneakers, training suit, sports uniform, swimsuit, bicycle, rollers with protection, season ticket to the gym or pool. Just try to buy shoes comfortable.
5. Walking is not a sport, it’s not a physical exercise, it’s entertainment. You can combine a walk and a friendly meeting. It is important for people who are frightened by everything "sporting".
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