Слова hot, long, short, clever, comfortable, silly, thin, good, fat, nice, warm, cold, small,

... tall, weak, interesting, strong, light, dry, bad, clean, dirty, beautiful, deep, brave, funny, ugly поставить в превосходную степень и в сравнительную


Hotter- the hottest
longer- the longest
shorter- the shortest
cleverer- the cleverest
more comfortable- the most comfotable
sillier, the silliest
thiner-the thinest
better- the best
fatter-the fattest
nicer-the nicest
warmer-the warmest
colder-the coldest
smaller-the smallest
taller-the tallest
weaker - the weakes
more interesting- the most interesting
stronger-the strongest
lighter- the lightest
drier- the driest
bad- worse-the worst
cleaner- the cleanest
dirtier- the dirtiest
more beautiful- the most beautiful
deeper- the deepest
braver-the bravest
funnier- the funniest
uglier-the ugliest