Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice
A) A lot of news

... is published in newspapers
B) The telephone has invented in 1876
C)Blogs first were appeared in the late 1990s
D) Baku is situated on the Caspian Sea


Сhoose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice 
A) A lot of news is published in newspapers - Passive Voice, 
B) The telephone has invented in 1876 - Active voice, да и вообще телефон сам себя изобрел
C)Blogs first were appeared in the late 1990s - хотя и passive voice, но first - ни к селу ни к городу.
D) Baku is situated on the Caspian Sea - тоже passive voice, но как город может располагаться НА море, помоему бред