Напишите на английском про город моей мечты


We all live in different towns, megacities, towns, villages, towns, villages. All these towns can never be perfect. From the temperature difference, from the daily movement of people and cars, from the negative impact of the environment, day by day crumbling walls of houses, roads and all other infrastructure of cities. Somewhere lacks entertainment centers, somewhere markets, somewhere good roads and so can be continue to indefinitely. Each of us at least once in his life fantasized or dreamed about how he would see the city of his dreams. Today we will try to dream together. What is he, the city of my dreams? In the city of my dreams everything is fine. Starting from ideal structures, and ending with the sweet, kind locals. All houses, buildings and sheds, shops and garages are well maintained and painted. House adjoining territories are also cleaned, clean and planted with green plants, bushes and trees. Here each balcony of each house pleases the eye vases with flowerinr