Помогите, нужно на завтра, а сама этого понять не могу.
Определите время,

... Tim didn’t clean the windows himself.
2 They are now building new hospitals in the provinces.
3 Mary doesn’t usually deliver the food to her house herself.
4 Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday.
5 Fred hasn’t washed his car himself.
6 The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder.
7 My husband isn’t testing his eye-sight himself.
8 I won’t check my blood pressure myself.


1 Tim didn’t clean the windows himself. past simp
2 They are now building new hospitals in the provinces. pres cont
3 Mary doesn’t usually deliver the food to her house herself. pres simp
4 Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday. pres simp
5 Fred hasn’t washed his car himself. pres perf
6 The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder. pres perf
7 My husband isn’t testing his eye-sight himself. pres cont
8 I won’t check my blood pressure myself. fut simp