1. Прочтите
текст и сделайте следующее. Известный британский врач когда-то преподавал
класс студентов-медиков в St. Paul’s.
Был привезен человек с поврежденной ногой. Врач повернулся к одному из
студенты и спросил его: «Что случилось с этим человеком?» «Не знаю, сэр, ответил студент.
«Должен ли я его осмотреть и узнать?» «Нет необходимости исследовать его», сказал
врач. «Вы должны знать, не задавая вопросов. Человек повредил левую
колено. Разве вы не заметили, как он шел? Он причинил ему боль, сжигая его в
Огонь. Вы видите, что его брючная ножка сожжена в колене. Сегодня четверг
утро. Вчера было хорошо, но во вторник вечером ». Затем доктор повернулся к мужчине и сказал:
«У вас была зарплата во вторник, и я пошел в паб и слишком много пил. Ты получил
мокрой и грязной по дороге домой. Поскольку вы слишком много выпили, вы упали на
огонь и сожгли ваше колено. Правильно? Да, сэр, сказал мужчина.
1) Полное
предложение в соответствии с текстом. Текст о несчастном случае на большой больнице. Как знаменитый врач учит его
students.c известный врач, рассказывающий забавную историю своему
students.d, как обследуются пациенты.
2) Какие
из предложений верно? Один из учеников спросил у врача, что
было не так с мужчиной. b Мужчина отправился в паб и тоже выпил
много. c Врач не позволил пациенту спросить
questions.d Мужчина повредил ногу по дороге домой.
3) Какое из предложений неверно? A Когда
раненых, врач сказал, что нет необходимости исследовать
him.b Доктор знал, что случилось с мужчиной
без вопросов. Мужчина упал на огонь и повредил его левый
knee.d Мужчина упал, не пытался высушить одежду
4) Выберите правильный ответ.
Что сделал
раненый мужчина делает в четверг? Его колено больно, и он отправился в большой
hospital.b Он получил зарплату и пошел в паб. Он промокнул по дороге домой. Он упал на огонь и повредил колено.
5) полный
предложения в соответствии с текстом. Врач
сказал, что нет необходимости изучать учеников, чтобы пациент стоял на коленях ноги брюк.
Тот человек
повредил его колено по дороге домой, потому что дороги были влажными, когда он был в питомнике, пытаясь высушить одежду у огня.
напишите перевод текста и ответы к заданиям)1. Read the
text and do the
... below. A famous British doctor was once teaching a
class of medical students at St. Paul’s.
A man with injured leg was brought in. The doctor turned to once of the
students and asked him, “What’s wrong with this man?” “I don’t know, sir,” the student answered.
“Shall I examine him and find out?” “There is no need to examine him,” said the
doctor. “You should know without asking questions. The man has hurt his left
knee. Didn’t you notice the way he walked? He hurt it by burning it in the
fire. You see his trouser leg is burnt away at the knee. Today is Thursday
morning. Yesterday was fine, but on Tuesday night.” The doctor then turned to the man and said:
“You had your wages on Tuesday and went to a pub and drank too much. You got
wet and muddy on the way home. Because you had drunk too much, you fell on the
fire and burnt your knee. Is that right?” “Yes, sir,” said the man.
1) Complete
the sentence according to the text. The text is abouta an accident at a large hospital.b the way a famous doctor teachers his
students.c a famous doctor telling a funny story to his
students.d the way patients are examined.
2) Which
of the sentences is true?a One of the students asked the doctor what
was wrong with the man.b The man had gone to the pub and drank too
much. c The doctor did not allow the patient to ask
questions.d The man injured his leg on the way home.
3) Which of the sentences isn’t true?a When the
injured man was brought in, the doctor said there was no need to examine
him.b The doctor knew what was wrong with the man
without asking questions.c The man fell on the fire and hurt his left
knee.d The man fell did not try to dry his clothes
by the fire.
4) Choose the right answer.
What did the
injured man do on Thursday?a His knee hurt and he went to a large
hospital.b He had his wages and went to a pub.c He got wet on the way home.d He fell on the fire and hurt his knee.
5) Complete
the sentences according to the text.The doctor
said there was no need to examinea the studentsb the patientc the knee d the trouser leg.
The man
hurt his kneea on the way homeb because the roads were wetc when he was in the pubd trying to dry his clothes by the fire
class of medical students at St. Paul’s.
A man with injured leg was brought in. The doctor turned to once of the
students and asked him, “What’s wrong with this man?” “I don’t know, sir,” the student answered.
“Shall I examine him and find out?” “There is no need to examine him,” said the
doctor. “You should know without asking questions. The man has hurt his left
knee. Didn’t you notice the way he walked? He hurt it by burning it in the
fire. You see his trouser leg is burnt away at the knee. Today is Thursday
morning. Yesterday was fine, but on Tuesday night.” The doctor then turned to the man and said:
“You had your wages on Tuesday and went to a pub and drank too much. You got
wet and muddy on the way home. Because you had drunk too much, you fell on the
fire and burnt your knee. Is that right?” “Yes, sir,” said the man.
1) Complete
the sentence according to the text. The text is abouta an accident at a large hospital.b the way a famous doctor teachers his
students.c a famous doctor telling a funny story to his
students.d the way patients are examined.
2) Which
of the sentences is true?a One of the students asked the doctor what
was wrong with the man.b The man had gone to the pub and drank too
much. c The doctor did not allow the patient to ask
questions.d The man injured his leg on the way home.
3) Which of the sentences isn’t true?a When the
injured man was brought in, the doctor said there was no need to examine
him.b The doctor knew what was wrong with the man
without asking questions.c The man fell on the fire and hurt his left
knee.d The man fell did not try to dry his clothes
by the fire.
4) Choose the right answer.
What did the
injured man do on Thursday?a His knee hurt and he went to a large
hospital.b He had his wages and went to a pub.c He got wet on the way home.d He fell on the fire and hurt his knee.
5) Complete
the sentences according to the text.The doctor
said there was no need to examinea the studentsb the patientc the knee d the trouser leg.
The man
hurt his kneea on the way homeb because the roads were wetc when he was in the pubd trying to dry his clothes by the fire
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