((Give Pete’s answers to Jack’s questions.))
-Have you ever been to a foreigh

... country? What country have you been to?
-Whare and with whom were you there?
-How did you get there? Was it difficult to buy tickets?
-How long did it take you to get there?
-Did you take a lot of of luggage with you?
-Did you find a cheap or an expensive hotel?


Вы когда-нибудь были в чужой стране? В какой стране вы были?
Где и с кем вы там были?
Как вы туда попали и было ли сложностью купить билеты?
Сколько времени вам понадобилось, чтобы туда добраться?
Взяли ль вы с собой много багажа?
Вы нашли дешёвый или дорогой отель?
Насчёт ответов. Не знаю как у тебя, но у меня вопросы отвечают так:

Yes.I was in the Germany.
I got ther by plane. And yes. it was difficoult tu buy tickets. they cost so expensive!
It took to me about 4 hours!
mU MUM sad that i can take with me only my clothes. but i took a lot of clothes!
We were at hotel.ARIGANDA HOTEL LUXE. It was so nice! I think it was expensive!