Подберите к терминам соответствующие определения:
1. budget A. the people who control a country

... and make
2. business B. information
3. convenience C. company that sells goods or services
4. data D. easiness
5. demand E. the amount of money you have for something
6. government F. how much people want something
7. inflation G. the number of people without work
8. resources H. something such as money, workers or minerals
belonging to an organization, country, which can
be used to function properly
9. trade-off I. rising prices
10. unemploymen J. giving away something in exchange for


1. budget E. the amount of money you have for something
2. business C. company that sells goods or services
3. convenience D. easiness
4. data B. information
5. demand F. how much people want something
6. government A. the people who control a country and make laws
7. inflation I. rising prices
8. resources H. something such as money, workers or minerals belonging to an organization, country, which can be used to function properly
9. trade-off J. giving away something in exchange for something
10. unemployment G. the number of people without work