Mr. Smiths car - машина мистера Смита.
Mr. Stones dog - собака мистера Стоуна.
The childrens magazines - журналы детей.
My daughters notebook - блокнот моей дочери.
Mr. Jonhs bed - кровать мистера Джона.
My husbands tie - галстук моего мужа.
The teachers room - комната учителя.
My friends sister - сестра моего друга.
His brothers room - комната его брата.
The students textbooks - учебники студентов.
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Model; Mr. Smith,
... car- Mr. Smith.s car
Mr. Stone, dog
The children, magazines
My daughter, notebook
Mr. Johns, bad
My husband, tie
The teachers, room
My friends, sister
His brother, room
the students, textbooks
Mr. Stone, dog
The children, magazines
My daughter, notebook
Mr. Johns, bad
My husband, tie
The teachers, room
My friends, sister
His brother, room
the students, textbooks
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