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Ukrainian is my native land. Текст на 16 речень дуже треба. Прохання не пишіть через перекладач
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Выделите сказуемое, определите его видо-временную форму и укажите инфинитив : What are they eating now? They usually go to the river for a swim. He spent last summer in the country. Will you go to the south next summer? I was going to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. My mother likes to read books. Have you ever spent your holidays in the Crimea? He will be writing a letter at 5 o’clock tomorrow. I shall have done my work by seven o’clock tomorrow. She had drawn this picture by 7 o’clock yesterday.
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I like funny monsters.My favourite toy is Jute.Jute has got two big heads.Its hair is long.It has got three eyes.Jute,s eyes are green.It has got a nose.The toy,s nose is big.Jute,s teeth are long.The toy,s ears are long,too.Jute has got three lags and eight toes.It has got four hands.I think Jute is great.
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Сделайте We’ve 1) all / whole heard of the problems facing endangered species around the wo ld ===i=::::-" To make a difference 2) every / every one of us needs to recognise the problem and offer our help. But it’s
important to remember that endangered animals are not the only 3) ones / one that need our assistance.
Animal shelters provide 4) both / either safe and caring environments for animals that have been 5) either /
neither lost or abandoned by their owners. They can be found in most towns and cities and most commonly
take care of dogs or cats that have 6) no / none homes. What’s important to remember is that 7) none / no of
these shelters can survive with our help. Animal shelters rely on people 8) either / neither donating money or
adopting animals and taking them into their homes. So, are you thinking of adding a pet to the family? 9) All /
Each that you need to do is to go to the nearest animal shelter, and bring your new best friend home today!
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Помогите представь что ты на карнавале в рио де жанейро напиши о происходящим
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ответить на эти вопросы полным ответом. Магазин сама заменю.
What is the name of your favourite shop?
What is the adress of the shop?
What are the working hours of the shop?
What depertments has the shop got?
What things does the shop sell?
What are the prices in the shop?
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1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. 1) A: Why was Jill so frightened last night? B: Oh, she thought she.(see) a ghost 2) A: How long. (they/know) about the ghost before they finally moved? B: About year. 3) A: Did you get to the cinema on time? B: No, the horror film. (already/start) by the time we got there 4) A: Jenny looked so scared when I saw her after the power cut. B: That’s because she. (wait) for over an hour in the lift before someone came to help her.
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1. У вас много книг по истории (on History)? Да.
2. У вашего друга есть гараж (a garage)? Нет.
3. У него большая семья.
4. У Мэри есть дети? Да, у нее двое детей.
5. У них будет есть сад через год.
6. У этого пpeподавателя много групп? Да, у него 5 групп.
7. У вас есть какие-нибудь журналы? Да.
8. У него есть виды Лондона (pictures of London)?
9. У нас нет фермы.
10. У него есть семья.
11. У нас нет свободного времени.
12. У моей жены была летняя шляпа
13. У них не будет занятий по немецкому языку завтра.
14. У его сестры нет детей.
15. У их сына нет велосипеда.
16. У нас нет лекций сегодня.
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Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским выражениям:
densely populated coast; a coast – to – coast trip; the major means of
intercity transportation; the temperate zone; inland water transportation
route; shipping season; to plant crops; to raise corn; to be famous for;
production value; the vast and varied expanse of; a land of physical
contrasts; airlines service; seagoing vessels, gold rush.
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Anna: Hello, everyone! Today my friend Marsha is at her friend’s house.
Where is Marsha today?
She says it is beautiful.
What does she say?
I want to see this house! Here we are!
What does Anna want to see?
Anna: Marsha, I am in the kitchen! It is a beautiful kitchen!
Where’s Anna now? What kind of kitchen is it?
Marsha: It is beautiful. We cook in the kitchen.
What do we do in the kitchen?
Anna: I eat in the kitchen.
What does Anna do in the kitchen?
Marsha: We relax in the living room.
Where do we relax?
Anna: I relax in the living room. Marsha, let’s go upstairs!
What does Anna do in the living room?
Marsha: Anna? Where are you?
Anna: Marsha, I am in the bathroom! I wash in the bathroom.
Where is Anna now? What does Anna do in the bathroom?
Marsha: I am in the bedroom. We sleep in the bedroom.
Where is Marsha? Where do we sleep?
Anna: I sleep in the bedroom!
Where does Anna sleep?
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A: What 1) __are you doing__(do) tonight?
B: I 2) _am going to try__(try) to finish my homework because I 3) _am going_ (go) to my cousin’s wedding on Saturday
and I 4) _wont be able_(not/be able) to do it then.
A: What time 5)_does_ the wedding 5)__start_ (start) on Satur-day?
B. The ceremony 6)__begins_ (begin) at 2 o’clock, then I 7)_am going_(go) to the party in the evening.
A: 8)_Will__ any of your friends 8) __be_ (be) there?
B: Well, my cousin says I can bring a friend. 9)__Will you be doing_(you/do) anything on Saturday night?
A: No, but I 10) _will feel_ (feel) shy if I don’t know anyone.
B: Never mind. It 11)-is going to be- a big party and I’m sure you 12) _will have_ (have) a great time.
объясните какое здесь точное будущее время используется и почему, в пропусках вставлены уже ответы с 1 по 12
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Say the correct question tag for each statement.
1.They live in Japan,_______________?
2.She won’t tell anyone,____________?
3.You don’t eat meat,_____________?
4.You can come tomorrow,_________?
5.James Bond is English,___________?
6.They went to the match yesterday,__?
7.I haven’t forgotten anything,_______?
8.Betty loves you,________________?
9.You would like to see him again,___?
10.The Jazz Cafe’s is an expensive place,__________?
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