Задания » Составить предложения

Составить 5 предложений с didn't;
6 предложений: 3-с was,3-c were
6 предложений:3-с was not,3 - c were no
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Переведите в косвенную речь следующие предложения.
1. im waiting for my parents Nick said.
2. you should be careful my friends said to me.
3. i will come tomorrow and finish the work the plumber said to grandma.
4. we only got tickets yesterday though we booked the holiday a long time ago said mr.Smith
5. do you know where Kate is living? Ann asked me.
6. why didnt you say that to me? she asked her boyfriend.
7. i promise i will write to you as soon as i arrive, Jane, said Nick
8. what do you think about it? Mary said to Tom.
9. how many lessons have you got today? Tom asks his friend.
10. did you receive a letter from your American pen-pal yesterday? Ann asked Mary.
11. im fond of my dog the girl said to her mother.
12. he said i cant stay here.
13. she asked me are you a student?
14. my mother said have you seen the new film?
15. where will you go tonight? said my parents.
16. tell me the truth he said to me.
17. dont close the door! the teacher said to his student.
18. write me as soon as you come! Tom said to Jane.
19. dont learn this poem by heart! i said to my little brother.
20. do you speak English well? he asked me.
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Сочинение на английском языке про компьютер и игры на 10предложений. Желательно с переводом. P.s.
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Объясните написания этих предложения (по какому правилу)
1 If only I hadn’t broken my leg skiing yesterday!
2 I wish you were here with me now.
3 I feel sick. If only I hadn’t eaten that second bowl of ice cream.
4 I can’t remember all the ingredients. I wish I had written down the recipe.
5 I wish I had remembered to buy milk. Now I have to go out again.
6 If only Phil would stop playing that awful music.
7 Melina wishes she hadn’t forgotten her mum’s birthday.
8 Sofia wishes she had thought of the answer sooner.
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If the boy.(be) ready for the lesson, he (get) a good mark.
If they. (worry) about the test, they (come) on time.
If he.(need) money, he.(ask) for a job.
If we. (try) our chance, we. (spend) the weekend in the country.
Эти предложения в сослагательном 1 и 2.
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Английский язык напиши 6 предложений по образцу. Используй обороты there is, there are. There are two bridges in the village.
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Перепиши эти предложения сделав их отрицательными и переведи их на русский язык
we will have to watch this film again
She will have to walk in the rain
He will have to read the dook tomorrow
Mum will have to cook breakfast alone
The girls will have to learn a new song for Christmas
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Составьте предложения
1. Soap, day, my, operas, watches, every, granny.
2. Programmes, ones, this, children’s, most, on, are, channel, the, interesting.
3. Programme, interviews, people, of, this, I, famous, a lot, has, because, like, with, it, music, and.
4. Pop, many, concerts, rock, and, gather, teenagers, music.
5. Problems, are, this, interesting, in, programme, discussed.
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Помогите сделайте пять типов вопросов по англискому к предложению We (to invite) then to our party yesterday
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Помогите состовить сложные предложение со словами:because, as, since, because of, owing to, in order to, so as to, in order that, so that, consequently, as a result
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6. Ответьте на каждый вопрос развёрнутым предложением.
1) Did you read books about Harry Potter?
2) Have you ever travelled to Europe?
3) What is your favourite character of Russian tales? Why?
4) What famous places in Russia are you proud of?
5) What does the nature of your home town look like?
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Нужно перевести предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.
1) She is sending a fax
2) Father promised the son a new bicycle
3) I will send the telegram tommorow
4) Kate told us an intresting story
5) Ann had done the homework by 3 pm yesterday
6) The teacher asked Bill a lot of questions
7) He sends me letters every days
8) Kate offered me help
9) I will phone you tommorow
10) He was telling us a story
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Составить предложения на английском со словами:
to be rich in museums
to be rich in parks
to be rich in bridges
to be proud of your city
to be proud of your family
to be proud of your friend
activity classroom activities
activity amazing activities
activity outdoor activities.
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Какое время используется в этих предложениях?
1 If I were you, I would eat less chocolate and more fruit.
2 She will not go to the dentist tomorrow if she can cancel her appointment.
3 Nicole will lose weight if she exercises.
4 We will leave without her if she arrives late.
5 I wish I had more time to cook a better meal.
6 If he were scared, he would call us to go over to his house.
7 She wouldn’t have missed the play if she had left on time.
8 Todd goes to bed early if he is working the next morning.
9 If I were you, I’d keep quiet about the accident.
10 Angelina won’t come if she doesn’t get a lift from her mum.
11 Kevin reads a book if there is nothing good on television.
12 Will you help us when you finish?
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1. They did not invite her to the party. 2. I did not leave the window open. 3. They did not turn off the light. 4. I have invited some friends to tea 5. She has given me an English book. 6. Have you written the letter yet? 7. They have told us a lot о S interesting things. 8. The students have written the test-paper without mistakes. 9. The children have scattered about a lot of things. 10. The girl has put all the books into the bookcase. 11. Snov, will cover the fields in winter. 12. They will hand in the homework tomorrow.
Переделать предложения в Passive Voice
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Задайте к этим предложениям разделительные вопросы :
1.Kate drinks tea every morning.
2.We don’t play football every day.
3.He is not a pupil.
4.My sister gets up at 7 o’clock.
5.They leave home at 8:30 every morning.
6.My mother is busy on Sunday.
7.We don’t arrive home late.
8.The children always do homework.
9.They don’t read the newspapers every evening.
10.We often drink tea together.
11.She doesn’t have a new dress.
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Перевести предложения из этого текста в косвенную речь.
My name is James Springwood. Mum and dad still call me Jimmy, which I don’t like as I am already 13, but parents are parents. My dad works as a manager for a big company producing computer electronics, my mum is a housewife. Now she is visiting her sister in Liverpool, so my dad and me are the only people responsible for the family now. I also have a 10-year-old sister, little Jan, as everybody calls her. She is crazy about puzzles. Sometimes she is fun to talk to, but to tell you the truth I would prefer somebody else’s company most of the time. Why are little girls so nosy and sticky? Our gran also lives with us. She is the best granny in the world. In her youth she used to ride horses and play baseball with boys, and she knows a lot of tricks and card games. Our family is of ancient origin, and gran says that her great-great-grandfather was a very important person and lived in a castle in the southwest of Britain. This fact is important for the story I am going to tell you.
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составить сочинение на английском языке! О любимом спортсмене (на Ваш выбор) (7-8 предложений) 5 класс (желательно теннис, шахматы).
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Прочитайте и переведите письмо на английский язык.
Уважаемые господа!
Благодарим Вас за письмо от 25 апреля с просьбой сообщить дополнительные сведения относительно сенсорных переключателей, а также сделать предложение на этот товар.
Мы еще раз обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что наши изделия отличного/высокого качества и обладают рядом преимуществ по сравнению с аналогичными товарами на мировом рынке. Наши переключатели пользуются большим спросом, поэтому назначенные нами цены несколько выше, чем у наших конкурентов.
Переключатели могут быть поставлены в течение 2-3 недель после получения Вашего заказа, однако сроки поставки будут в значительной степени зависеть от количества заказанного Вами товара.
Наши условия платежа: траттой с оплатой через 30 дней после предъявления.
С уважением,
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Составьте предложение по-английски со словами Blue Red Long flowing Tаll Strong с разными степенями сравнения
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Используйте Present Perfect Continuous для выполнения предложений.
It’s seven pm. I (wash) the dishes since six pm.
We (work) since morning.
Dad (watch) TV.
Sarah (cook) dinner for two hours.
The book is difficult to read. I (read) it for a month.
They (sleep) for 10 hours!
Her eyes were red. It was clear she (cry).
Mr. Thompson (wait) for 3 hours.
I (do) my homework since seven o’clock.
The teacher (examine) all the students for 4 hours.
It (rain) for several days.
Liz (paint) in her room since morning.
Alec (stand) there since 6 o’clock.
Sam (study) French for 5 years.
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