Задания » Ответьте на вопросы

Ответьте на вопросы нужно.
1)What happened to cheetah in the desert zone?
2)What species of rodent can be found only in Betpakdala desert?
3)What other animals live in Betpakdala desert?
4)Where can colonies of pelicans be found?
5)What fauna can be found in the mountains of Kazakhstan?
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Write the questijns to these answers.
1.When ________? Henry Ford was born in 1863.
2.Where________? He lived on a farm.
3.What________? He wanted to make cars.
4.What________? In 1896 Ford built his new car.
5.Who________? Only rich people bought cars.
6.What cars_______? Ford wanted to make cheaper cars.
7.Did____________? More peole bought cheaper cars.
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Текст:Lisa: I was woken up by our counsellor, who asked me to go with her quickly. I got out of the tent and realized it was still night. My counsellor led me straight to the hospital tent. All of the counsellors and the camp ranger had been waiting for us there. I panicked. Who was hurt? Was it Dima? I walked into the tent and saw my brother on a bed. He was very pale, there were bandages on his hand, and his eyes were closed. My heart fell as I rushed to the bed, but Dima had already opened his eyes and smiled.
"I’m OK," he whispered. And then Daniel, David, all of the counsellors and the camp ranger came in. "Well, Lisa," the ranger said. "Let’s talk all of us together. We must find out what had happened." We sat down next to Dima’s bed and listened. This is what he told us.
"We had all been asleep when Daniel came back. But David must have been awake. He must have waited for Daniel, because the moment he turned up, David asked him something in an angry voice. His voice woke me up and I started to listen. They were talking very quietly, so I wasn’t able to hear them very well, but it was obvious that they were arguing. Then I saw the two of them leave the tent and head for the forest. I got up and followed them. But they ran really quickly and I lost them for a minute or two. When I finally caught up with them, they had stopped and were talking in angry voices again. I was lying in the bushes and watching them when I felt something touch my hand. I thought it was a tree branch and tried to move it away. Suddenly I felt a terrible pain in that hand and saw before my own eyes a huge bear. It must have scratched me. I cried out and after what seemed like a lifetime, I saw Daniel. I was paralyzed with horror and must have lost consciousness, because I don’t remember anything else. When I opened my eyes, Daniel was still next to me and the bear was gone."
When Dima finished his story, I turned to Daniel and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you," was all I could say. Daniel looked totally embarrassed. He was so modest. When the ranger asked him about what had happened, he said that he couldn’t really remember any detail and
blushed. Then it was David’s turn. I noticed a strange expression come over his face. David looked as if he was about to make some important decision. Then he started to talk:
"Daniel and I had had a small disagreement and went to the forest to discuss it. Then suddenly we heard someone ^ cry out. We rushed to the bushes and saw that Dima was ч lying on the ground and a bear cub was standing over him. There was blood all over Dima and he wasn’t moving. This must have saved him because the bear didn’t move either. Then Daniel took a big stick and threw it at the bear and I. left to check on something important."
"You can’t have gone away!" I interrupted him. "But I had to! I told you — I had to check on something important." David answered and suddenly his face relaxed as if he finally made up his mind. "I can’t believe you left them. Please tell me you didn’t," I whispered. "There may have been the cub’s mother nearby," said David quietly.
And then I started to shout: "Of course you left, David! Daniel made the choice for you as usual. He stayed with my brother and fought. Why is it that the more dangerous task is always taken by someone else?"
"I’m sorry that you are upset, Lisa. But believe me, I did what I thought was right," said David firmly. He didn’t look me in the eyes. What a coward he was! And I went on, "I don’t believe you! Just admit that you got scared and ran away! Won’t it be so much more honest? Just say that you were a coward!"
David’s face blushed with anger, but when he spoke his tone was calm but firm. "I didn’t run away Lisa, but you can think whatever you v/ant. I don’t really care." Задание:Analyze the behaviour of the people in the story. Say what they should/ could/ shouldn’t have done.
Model: Dima shouldn’t have followed David and Daniel
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“Where’s Papa going with the ax?"fern asked her mother at the table during Breakfast.
"Going to the barn," said Mrs. Arabl. "Several pigs were born last night."
"I don’t understand why he needs an ax," continued fern, who was only eight years old.
"Well," said mother. "One of the pigs is short. Very small and weak, and it is no use to us. So your father decided to end it."
"To end it?"screamed fern. "You mean to kill her? Just because she’s smaller than the others?"
"Don’t shout, fern!"said Mrs. Arable. "Your father is right. Pigs will probably have to die anyway."
Fern pushed a chair aside and ran outside. The grass was wet and the earth smelled of spring. Fern’s sneakers were wet, and after a while she caught up with her father. "Please don’t kill him!"she cried. "It’s not fair", Mr. Arable stopped.
"Fern, "he said softly," you must learn to control yourself. "
"Keep your hands to yourself?"screamed fern. "It’s a matter of life and death, and you’re talking about running yourself." Tears flowed down her cheeks, and she grabbed an axe and tried to pull it out of her father’s hands.
"Fern," said Mr. Arable, “I know more about raising pigs than you do. A weakling brings trouble. Now get out of here!"
"But it is unfair,” cried fern. "A pig couldn’t help but be born small, could it? If only I was very little at
birth, would you kill me?"
Mr. of Arable smiled. "Of course not," he said, looking at his daughter with love. "It is quite another. A girl is one thing, and a pig is a stunted other"
"I don’t see the difference. "fern answered, still hanging on the axe. "This is the worst case of injustice I’ve ever heard. "
A strange look covered the face of John Arable. It seemed that he almost expected himself to cry.
"Well," he Said. "You go back to the house, and I’ll bring the Shorty when I get home. I’ll let you put it in a haze of hay like a baby. Then you will see what the problem might be with this pig."
When Mr. Arable returned to the house half an hour later, he was carrying a box under his arm. Fern was upstairs changing shoes. The kitchen table was set for Breakfast and the room smelled like coffee, bacon, damp plaster, and wood smoke from the stove.
Put him on the chair!"said Mrs. Arable. Mr. Arabl put the box down in fern’s place. Then he went to the sink and washed his hands and dried them with a towel.
Fern walked slowly down the stairs. Her eyes were red with tears. When she walked up to her chair, the box chattered and there was a scratch sound. Fern looked at her father. Then she opened the lid of the box. There, inside, looking at her, was a newborn piggy. He was white. The morning light shining through the ears, turning them pink.
"It’s yours". said Mr. Arable. "Saved from premature death. And can and well, my God, forgive me for this stupidity."
Fern could not take her eyes from the tiny pigs. "Oh," she whispered. "Oh. Look at him! It’s absolutely real."
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Помогите буду очень благодарен !plan a text about an amazing place in your country or find out about a new place on the internet Make notes. Ответьте на вопросы: Name of place, Where is it? Why is it special? Best time to visit? How to travel there, What to see, Where to stay, What to take.
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1. Present perfect or present perfect progressive?
1) It (snow) all day. When will it stop?
2) Hi, Tom. I (see, not) you for weeks. What (you, do) all this time?
3) I (write) to them three times, but I (get, not) any answer yet.
4) Bill (be) here since the 5 of November.
5) I (meet) Mrs Gordon many times this week.
6) Colin, you (miss) already very many classes.
7) I (phone) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet.
8) It’s 11 p.m. I (work) on the computer since six and I (finish,not) yet.
9) I always (want) to make a tour of Spain.
10) The telephone (ring) for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it?
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Answer these questions.I. How often do you go to the theatre 2.Is the theatre only for rich people? 3. What do you like and dislike about the theatre? 4.Would you like to work as a theatre critic? 5. Are theatre tickets easy to get in your country? 6. How do you feel when you sit in a theatre before the performance begins? 7. Would you like to perform or act on stage at the theatre 8. What are the differences between movies and plays?
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Нужно вставить: on, off, down, up, with, behind, out, back, round, away.
1. What a pity these beautiful trees had to be cut.
2. I am going on holiday tomorrow but I'll ring you when I get.
3. When the tourist arrived, a guide was waiting to take them. the city.
4. I'm sorry I'm late. The bus broke.
5. It's a very modest restaurant. There's no need to dress.
6. If you don't know the meaning of the word, look it. in the dictionary.
7. I don't know how she copes. the tasks. They are so difficult!
8. Brian wanted to ask Rosemary. but he was too shy.
9. Charles was very generous and gave. a lot of the fruit and vegetables n his garden.
10. We shall have to clear this room. before our guests come.
11. The dog is running through the flowerbeds! Tie it.
12. That bush takes too much space.Cut it.
13. I’m afraid I can’t answer today.I left my notes.
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Man has never been satisfied with simply talking. For some reason he has always considered his words and ideas to be so important that he has for­ever tried to find ways of recording them on paper. Just as man has developed so many systems of writ­ing, so he has also developed various tools with which to write.
One of the first instruments developed by man for writing was the stylus. This was a sharp instrument made of bone or metal and with it the writer could scratch his message onto stone or wood. It was used for thousands of years and was very practical: it could also be used as a weapon. Julius Caesar was killed with one in 44 BC.
The ideas of a pen and ink were developed by the Egyptians. Their version of the pen was made from bamboo. They sharpened one end of the stem to make a nib; that is the point with which you actually write. They then filled the hollow part of the stem with ink and squeezed it to force the ink onto the nib. It was a good idea but, as you can imagine, when paper was later introduced, a much finer instrument was needed.

The problem was solved with the introduction of the quill pen. The quill is one of the large feathers on the wing or tail of a swan or goose. The quill also gave us the word "pen". You see, feather in Latin is "penna". However, because this pen was in fact a feather, it had to be sharpened quite often and so a special instrument was made for this purpose - the penknife.
The quill was used from the 6th to the 18th centu­ries, and then in the 19th century a machine was in­vented which successfully made a nib out of metal and this could then be fitted into a holder and dipped into a bottle of ink. Finally, in 1884, a young Ameri­can, Lewis Waterman, found a way of putting the ink into the holder and the fountain pen as we know it was completed.
Although the fountain pen was very popular, a new kind of pen was introduced just before the Second World War, which became more popular. This was the ball pen or as a lot of people calls it, the biro. It was developed by a Hungarian living in Argentina whose name was, interestingly enough, Joseph Biro.

1. How long has man been interested in writing?
a. It’s a recent development.
b. For thousands of years.
c. It started when he discovered the quill pen.
d. As soon as he learnt how to make paper.
2. The quill pen was better than the stylus because the people could
a. kill their enemies with it.
b. force the ink through onto the nib.
c. write more finely on paper.

d. make clear signs on wood or stone.
3. The penknife was first used to
a. cut bamboo.
b. keep the end of the quill sharp.
c. cut feathers off a goose.
d. cut the tail off a swan.
4. What were the advantages of a nib made from metal?
a. You didn’t need a penknife any more.
b. The pens couldn’t be filled with ink.
c. You couldn’t use bottles of ink more easily,
d. It made the pen much lighter.
Answer the following questions with a phrase or a sentence.
5. How did Julius Caesar die?
6. Who made the very first version of the fountain pen?
7. What were the disadvantages of the quill pen?
8. Where does the word biro come from?
Помогииииттееееее! Перевод и ответ к вопросам по тексту
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(ответьте на вопросы)
1. If you could design a new shopping mall, what would you have have in it? Why?
2. Do you think shopping online will completely replace physical shopping in the future? Why? Why not?
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1. The business sector is where production takes place in the economy. The individual agents making up the business sector are called firms. These are the organizations within which entrepreneurship brings together land, labor and capital for the production of goods or services. Economies, in which firms are generally owned by private individuals, rather than by governments, are called capitalist or private enterprise economies. These include almost all the countries in the world today.
2. A firm may be as small as one individual. A large firm is typically a corporation which is a legal entity in itself, having many of the same rights and privileges under law as does a person. The corporation purchases factors of production and receives payment from buyers of its output. The difference between its sales revenue and its costs of production is its profit or earnings. A corporation purchases capital goods, plant and equipment. The owners of a corporation are called shareholders. A large firm typically has many shareholders, some of which are other firms. Firms which primarily invest in other firms are called financial intermediaries. Shareholders play no direct role in the running of the firm, rather they are represented by a board of directors who are elected by shareholders. Shareholders are not liable, in general, for the debts of the corporation.
3. The corporation managers may not even be shareholders. These managers are appointed by the directors as officers of the corporation who are then legally empowered to conduct its business. A primary responsibility of the directors of a corporation is the hiring and oversight of the officers.
Answer the questions:
1. Where does entrepreneurship bring together land, labor and capital?
2. What does a corporation purchase?
3. Do shareholders play a direct role in the running of the firm?
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Make up questions and each group asks questions about their sight and
the other pupils answer these questions. Each group adds their own questions
and the pupils of other groups answer them.
1. beautiful/Great Britain/in/estates/of/
the most/is/what/place/one/?
2. are/many/Chatsworth/how/rooms/in/
3. what/estate/does/contain/the/?
4. Chatsworth/for/is/what/famous/?
1. in/known/is/house/why/world/the/the/Chartwell/over/all/?
2. style/it/constructed/at/what/was/in/first/?
3. Churchill’s/addition/was/major/what/?
4. off/Churchill/political/what/did/order/to/stresses/use/take/in/
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Read the answers to the following questions from the text. 1. who is the Head of State in Britain? 2. Does the Queen rule the country? 3. what does the Queen do? 4. what do you know about the Royal Family? 5. What countries were included into the British Empire at the beginning of the 20th century? 6. What happened in 1949? 7. who does the real power in Britain belong to? 8. What do you know about the British Parliament? 9. Why is the House of Lords important? 10. How often do the British people elect members of the House of Commons? Переведите и ответьте
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PC means ‘Police Constable’. Can you guess the meaning of WPC? WPC Clark’s full name is Samantha Clark, and her friends
call her Sam. She is working at Ealing Police Station in West London.
4.00 p.m. Sam arrives at the Station. She changes into her uniform. She doesn’t carry a gun.
4.20 p.m. Sam’s first call. A shoplifter tried to steal a Walkman, and the shop manager is holding him. Sam and her colleague,
PC Jock McCoy, jump in the car. They put on the blue light and the siren, and drive to the shop.
4.28 p.m. The shoplifter is shouting and trying to get away. Sam and PC McCoy go in and arrest him. Sam says to him: I am
arresting you. You do not have to say anything. But, if you say anything, I will write it down. Do you understand?
The man keeps shouting. “I didn’t steal nothing”Leave me alone!
PC McCoy holds the man’s arms behind his back, and Sam puts on the handcuffs. They put him in the car and take him back to
the station.
5.10 p.m. A car accident. Nobody is badly hurt, but the cars are in the middle of the road. Sam writes a report. They take one of
the drivers to hospital for a check-up.
6.00 p.m. Nothing is happening. Clark and McCoy drive around just checking the streets. They see some boys sitting on a wall
by the river. “Who are they?” asks McCoy. “Do you know them?” “No. They’re not from round here. Let’s have a word with them”.
The boys are not very happy about answering questions. But they are not doing anything wrong. They are just waiting for some
7.30 p.m. Sam and PC McCoy get a takeaway dinner from an Indian restaurant and sit in the car eating it. But the radio comes
on: “Clark and McCoy! A mugging at Ealing Central underground station. The mugger stole £40 from an old man. The criminal is white, quite short, with long dark hair. About 25 years old. He’s wearing a baseball hat and black jeans. He has a strong Scottish
7.33 p.m. They arrive at the underground station. “There he is!” shouts PC McCoy. Sam stops the car and they jump out. PC
McCoy holds the man and Sam speaks to him:
“OK. Where’s the money?”
“I’m sorry?” he says in an’ American accent.
‘It’s the wrong man, says Sam.
11.15 p.m. Sam goes back to the Police Station and writes her reports.
12.00 midnight Sam finishes work.
1) what does WPC mean?
2)what is shop-lifter?
3)why don’t they arrest the boys by the river?
4)what is a mugger?
5)did the mugger speak to the old man? How do you know?
6)how many people does Sam arrest?
7)sam says it’s the wrong man. How does she know?
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IV. Ответьте на вопросы, используя активную лексику урока.
a) 1. Do you often go to see your friends?
2. How often do your friends come to see you?
3. How often do you spend the week-end with your friends?
4. How often do you go to the theatre (to the cinema) together?
5. When did you last go to the theatre?
b) 1. When did you begin learning English?
2. Do you spend much time on your English?
3. How much time do you usually spend on your home work?
4. How many questions does the teacher usually ask you in class?
5. How well do you usually know your lesson?
c) 1. When do you usually get up "on weekdays?
2. What do you do then?
3. Do you wake up your children early in the morning?
4. Do they wake up at once?
5. Do they go to bed early or tate?
d) 1. When do you usually have dinner (breakfast,
2. Do you have dinner at home or at your office?
3. Where are you going to have dinner toaay?
e) 1. Did you go to the country for the last week-end or
did you stay in town?
2. How often do you spend the week-end in the country?
3. When did you last go to the country?
4. Where do you want to spend next week-end?
5. Are you going to the country again?
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нужно ответить на вопросы по тексту:GREAT BRITAIN. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland isHowituated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244000 square kilometres. The popu­lation is over 56 million people. The capital of the Unit­ed Kingdom is London. The surface of the United Kingdom varies greatly. The northern and the western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands. All the rest is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country. The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm wa­ters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round. Winters are not cold and summers are not hot. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial coun­try. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile. One of the industries is shipbuilding. Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive. The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Brit­ain: the Labour party, the Conservative party arid the Liberal party. ВОПРОСЫ:1. What is the official name of Great Britain? 2. How many parts does Great Britain consist of? What are they? 3. What are their capitals? 4. How many people live in the UK? 5.What is the official language of the country?
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задание сложное но на кону 3 пятерки вообщем нужно каждое слово перевисти на русский
“What is the real good?’
I asked in musing mood.
Order, said the law court;
Knowledge, said the school;
Truth, said the wise man;
Pleasure, said the fool;
Love, said the maiden;
Beauty, said the page;
Freedom, said the dreamer;
Home, said the sage;
Fame, said the soldier;
Equity, the seer;—
Spake my heart full sadly:
’The answer is not here.’
Then within my bosom
Softly this I heard:
’Each heart holds the secret:
Kindness is the word.
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Почему смотреть телевизор хорошо или плохо? Ответы на английском языке. Ответьте
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Нужна помощь с Английским!
1. Choose the correct word from a, b or c ()
1 When I _______ the application form, I saw my previous employer.
a. Filled in b. was filling in c. have filled in
2 In 2015 I ______ an American company.
a. worked for b. has worked for c. was working in
3 Charles _______ for a job for 6 months.
a. has been looking b. has looked c. is looking
4 He ______ leave his firm because it became bankrupt.
a. must b. could c. had to
5 If he _____ the elections, he’ll become a president.
a. wins b. will win c. win
6 If my visa ran out, I ______ it
a. renew b. will renew c. would renew
7 London is _______ than Paris.
a. the most expensive b. more expensive c. most expensive
8 Oxford is one of ______ universities in Europe.
a. the oldest b. older c. old
9 Madrid is ______ than Rom.
a. expensive b. more expensive c. most expensive
10 Cafes in London are ______ than cafes in Paris.
a. worst b. bad c. worse
2. Put down the missing words ()
1 The election ________ place next week.
2 The _______ is not the ruler in the UK.
3 Write your first name here and your _____ underneath.
4 Will you need to _______ a visa if you go to the United States?
5 Every four/six years people _______ a new president.
6 The government have policies to ________the country.
7 I was surprised that nobody _______ my passport when we arrived in Germany.
8 When you applied for the ______, you told us you had 5 years experience.
9 The major task of the _______ is to find a suitable candidate for the vacant position.
10 The ______ of application normally contains two parts.
3. Answer the questions. ()
1. What do you like best about living in your country?
2. What would you miss if you lived abroad?
3. Do you know any foreigners living in your country?
4. What do they like about it? What do they find different?
5. What social problems are there in your country?
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Carol: Were you at John’s party yesterday? Dmitry: Yes, I was. Carol: Was it good? Dmitry: No, it was a little boring. The food was not delicious. Carol: Were there many people? Dmitry: Yes, there were. And where were you? Carol: I was at Tom’s party. There were not many people there. But it was lovely. The food was delicious. I enjoyed it. Answer: Carol was at Tom’s party. Dmitry was at John’s party.
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. Поставьте глагол в нужной видовременной форме
1. We (not to discuss) your proposal yet. 2. We (not to have ) time to check the account yesterday. 3. We never (to delay) the delivery. 4. What … you (to study) when I saw you yesterday? 5. She never (to put) off the appointment. 6. She (to wait) for the customer’s answer at the moment. 7. If you (to raise) the price we won’t place an order with you. 8. We (to send) you all the cargo two days ago. 9. … you usually (to enclose) samples of the goods with the catalogues? 10. We (to send) our representative to you this week. 11. They always (to pay) by cheque. 12. I (to see) your goods at the exhibition at the next weekend. 13. We (to sell) the goods at a good price this month. 14. What equipment … they (to mark) now? 15. They never (to deliver) defective equipment yet. 16. When … you (to re-equip) your office? 17. What … you (to discuss) when I came? 18. They (to settle) the account this week. 19. … she still (to make) up the contract when we arrive? 20. They (not to give) us a discount yet. 21. What (to attract) your attention at the exhibition last week? 22. … she still (to draw) up an invoice? 23. He just (to arrange) an appointment with the Executive Manager. 24. We (to introduce) additions into the contract today. 25. We (to make) a trial order when you came. 26. When I was looking through the shipping documents I (to find) some mistakes. 27. The Manager (to approve) your report before our partners called.
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Exercise 1. Find the site www.olympic.org. Follow the links ‘Olympic Games’ →
‘London 2012’ → ‘All About The Games’ → ‘All Facts’ and answer the following
1. How big was the Olympic park?
2. How many accredited media were involved?
3. How many athletes took part?
4. How many countries participated?
5. How many meals were served?
6. How many medal events were held?
7. How many pieces of sport equipment were sourced?
8. How many spectator journeys were made?
9. How many sports were contested?
10. How many team officials worked?
11. How many tickets were available?
12. How many volunteers were enlisted?
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Now answer my questions.
1. What kinds of sports do you know?
2. What games do you like to play?
3. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain?
4. What are the most popular sports in Russia?
5. What are the most teenagers’ sports?
6. Can you swim\ run\ jump?
7. Where do you go to play tennis\ football\ to swim?
8. Do you go to the swimming pool? To the skating rink?
9. People go in for different sports. When we speak about sports what verbs do we use – do, play, go or ride?
Зоповни таблицю, використвуючи подану в таблиці лексику.
table tennis
weight lifting
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7. Ответьте на вопросы по данному образцу.
Образец: — Was your cold bad? — Yes, it was the worst cold I’ve ever had.
Was your holiday exciting?
Was your car powerful?
Was the coffee strong?
Was the meal good?
Was your journey comfortable?
Was the soup cold?
Was the lesson difficult?
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Ответить на вопросы в будущем длительном времени
1) Will you be sleeping at 6 a.m. tomorrow? —
2) Who will be waking you up at 7 a.m. tomorrow? —
3) Will you be having breakfast at 8 a.m. or 8.30 a.m. tomorrow? —.
4) What will you be doing this time tomorrow? —
5) Who will be working on a computer when you come home after school tomorrow? —
6) Will your friends be discussing a new film when you see them tomorrow? —
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14. Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы:
1. Where and with whom did Delia live?
2. Was it bad or good time for James and Delia?
3. What holiday was the next day?
4. What did she want to buy?
5. What did James buy for his wife?
6. What was this story about?
The Christmas Presents (by O’Henry)
One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Every day, when she went to the shops, she spent very little money. She bought the cheapest meat, the cheapest vegetables. And when she was tired, she still walked round and round the shops to find the cheapest food. She saved every cent possible.
Delia counted the money again. There was no mistake. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And the next day was Christmas.
She couldn’t do anything about it. She could only sit down and cry. So she sat there, in the poor little room, and she cried.
Delia lived in this poor little room, in New York, with her husband, James Dillingham Young. They also had a bedroom, and a kitchen and a bathroom – all poor little rooms. James Dillingham Young was lucky, because he had a job, but it was not a good job. These rooms took most of his money. Delia tried to find work, but times were bad, and there was no work for her. But when Mr James Dillingham Young came home to his rooms, Mrs James Dillingham Young called him ‘Jim’ and put her arms round him. And that was good.
Delia stopped crying and she washed her face. She stood by the window, and looked out at a grey cat on a grey wall in the grey road. Tomorrow was Christmas Day, and she had only one dollar and eighty-seven cents to buy Jim a Christmas present. Her Jim. She wanted very much to buy him something really fine, something to show how much she loved him.
Suddenly, Delia turned round and ran over to look in the glass on the wall. Her eyes were bright.
Now, the James Dillingham Youngs had two very special things. One was Jim’s gold watch. It once belonged to his father, and, before that, to his grandfather. The other special thing was Delia’s hair.
Quickly, Delia let down her beautiful, long hair. It fell down her back, and it was almost like a coat around her. Then she put her hair up again, quickly. For a second or two she stood still, and cried a little.
Then she put on her old brown coat, and her old brown hat, turned, and left the room. She went downstairs and out into the road, and her eyes were bright.
She walked along by the shops, and stopped when she came to a door with ‘Madame Eloise — Hair’ on it. Inside there was a fat woman. She did not look like an ‘Eloise’.
‘Will you buy my hair?’ Delia asked. ‘I buy hair,’ Madame replied. ‘Take your hat off, then, and show me your hair.’ The beautiful brown hair fell down.
‘Twenty dollars,’ Madame said, and she touched the hair with her hand.
‘Quick! Cut it off! Give me the money!’ Delia said.
The next two hours went quickly. Delia was happy because she was looking round the shops for Jim’s present. At last she found it. It was a gold chain for The Watch. Jim loved his watch, but it had no chain. When Delia saw this gold chain, she knew immediately that it was right for Jim. She must have it. The shop took twenty-one dollars from her for it, and she hurried home with the eighty-seven cents. When she arrived there, she looked at her very short hair in the glass. ‘What can I do with it?’ she thought. For the next half an hour she was very busy.
Then she looked again in the glass. Her hair was now in very small curls all over her head. ‘Oh, dear. I look like a schoolgirl!’ she said to herself. ‘What’s Jim going to say when he sees me?’
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1-do you use computers.What for.2-What gadgets will you use in the future.Why.
1-вы используете компьютеры. Зачем. 2-Какие гаджеты вы будете использовать в будущем. Причина.
написать ответы на вопросы на англисском по 8 предложений на 1 вопрос всего 16 предложений должно быть
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1. The shortest month of the year is February.
2. Better late than never. (proverb)
3. Moscow is bigger than Almaty.
4. I’m the youngest in the family.
5. Mississippi is the longest river in the world.
Answer the question.
1. Who is your best friend?
2. Who knows English best of all in your group?
3. Who is the youngest in your group?
4. Which is the longest river in the world?
5. Which street is the longest in your city/town?
6. What is the best season for apples?
7. Which is the coldest state in the USA?
8. What rare plants and animals can be found in Kazakhstan?
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