Задания » Упражнения

1. If she (be) ready, we (go) to the station.
2. You (can) visit us if the weather (be) fine.
3. If they (travel) a lot, they (see) different places.
4. I (be) a doctor I (help) to you.
5. Olga (not/spend) much money if the situation (be/not) so difficult.
6. He (be) happy if she (agree) to come.
7. If they (win) the World Cup they (get) a new suggestion.
8. If Genry (do) his homework he (get) an excellent mark.
9. If the teacher (forget) about the test we (not/get) bad marks.
10. You (could) read the rule if you (want).
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Как читается этот текст даю много баллов
Canada is an independent federative state. It is one of the most developed countries.
Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories.
It is situated on the North American continent. In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. Its area is almost 10 million km2.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is situated on the bank of the Ottawa River. It is famous for its beautiful parks. It is also known as the city of bridges.
Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and fur-bearing animals. It holds the first place in the world in the amount of forests. It is rich in the following natural resources: non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas, coal.
Canadian industries produce cars, airliners, locomotives, sea vessels, snow-removal machines, and agricultural equipment. The most developed industries are timber, mining, chemical, meat and milk and food industries. Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Fishing is also one of the prosperous industries.
Official languages of Canada are English and French. Nearly 60 percent of the population speak English and 27 percent speak French. The rest speaks other languages, such as Eskimo, Indian, German, Ukrainian and Italian.
Canada is a founding member of the United Nations. It has been active in a number of major UN agencies.
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Сделайте мне
1. "I don’t watch the news", he said.
2. "Next year I’m going to visit England", the teacher said.
3. "I left Natalie a message an hour ago", she said.
4. "You were right, Bob", she said.
5. "I was on holiday last month", he said.
6. "I can give you my uncle’s address", my aunt said to them.
7. "You speak English very well", the woman said to me.
8. "You may go to the cinema tomorrow", my mother said to me.
9. "We didn’t meet him yesterday", Bob said.
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Mineral Park is a town in the United States. It is called a ’ghost town’ because no one lives there anymore. It was a different town in the past though.
In 1871, 700 people lived in Mineral Park. There was a school, lots of shops, a post office, saloons, a doctor’s, a hotel, a restaurant and even a weekly newspaper. It was a very busy town with lots of people but no cars. People travelled by train and on horses.
Lots of the people from Mineral Park, worked in the mines. After work they liked to spend their free time in the saloons and restaurants. Everyone was happy and wealthy, but all that stopped.
After 1887 Mineral Park started to change into a quiet town. Many families moved to other towns and the shops closed down. Some people tried to stay but there was nothing for them to do. By 1912, the town was nearly empty. Today, there are only a few ruined buildings left. People still visit Mineral Park though to get an idea of what life was like in the past.
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Вставить на место пропусков слова из данного списка:
The style of … networking permits each user to share resources such as printers.
The star is a topology for a computer network in which one computer occupies the central part and the remaining … are linked solely to it.
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Задайте пять вопросов к теме мастер класс.
2)if you have to book a place
3)number of classes
4)topics covered
5)price of handbook
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Как прочитать на английском русскими буквами балерина на полке, балерина под полкой, плюшевый мишка на кровати, плюшевый мишка под кроватью, солдатик на коробке с игрушками, солдатик в коробке с игрушками
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Напишите 15 легеньких коротких речень про лікаря, маю на увазі не про професію а про хворобу, візит до лікаря на англійській мові
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Задание. Прочитайте текст.
Business Etiquette
The turn of the 20th century saw great interest in business etiquette in the USA. It can be surprising, but in this era of take -out foods and dress -down Fridays, etiquette is becoming very important. There are lots of signs of it. First of all, the bookstores are filled with different books on multicultural ways of doing business, on e-mail manners, table manners and more. Colleges and universities are giving their graduates a competitive edge in the job market, offering special courses. Businesses are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for seminars and workshops with such names as Customs and Protocol for Doing Business in the Global Market Place Business Basics for Professional Polish An etiquette expert Dorothea Johnson told the story of the businessman who came to her for help after he was not employed by a big corporation. At a lunch meeting with a senior executive in the company, he sat down and immediately, started eating the salad in front of him. He looked up to see his boss, who hadn’t picked up his fork yet, and was staring at him. I knew right then they were going to send me out, he said. If he knew the manners, he would have known to wait until his host started eating. The recruiters do not offer jobs to candidates who salt their food before tasting, because it shows a tendency toward hasty decision making, or to those who order very expensive food at the restaurants. Today’s parents are realizing that while good manners will help their children get along in life, they can’t teach them. Etiquette hasn’t been a priority during the last two decades. Even if parents feel competent to teach manners, they may not have time If family mealtimes are a thing of the past, when are children going to learn not to butter all their bread at once, or, more important, how to hold polite dinner table conversation? Top corporations hire specialists to teach client development skills* not manners, which could include anything from how to place a napkin, how to present a business card to a Japanese businessman. The important thing to remember, though, is that good manners are more than a code of behavior. They can make life easier. It’s ethodology by which people can get along with each other.
Задание. Найдите в тексте соответствующие английские слова или словосочетания, которые имеют следующие значения:
• person or group in a business or commercial organization with administrative or managerial powers;
• prices that are as good as those of other firms;
• person who accepts the guests;
• person who is employed;
• person who employs other people;
• to give work to people.
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Найдите и исправьте ошибки.
1. Where did you yesterday?
2. My brother don’t watch horror films.
3. When I was seeing him he played football.
4. She have just wrote an e-mail to her friend.
5. Were they every to this museum?
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Переведите слова,
Sculpture, short story, soundtrack, audience, cast, orchestra, chapter, premiere, drama, exhibition, subtitles, thriller, western, script, screenplay, musical, horror,
brush, costume, act, scenery, scene, first night, illustration, programme, watercolour, comedy, stage, picture, landscape, set, volume, CD, lighting, play, novel, screen, poetry, pop, concert, auditorium, trailer, canvas, edition, musician, tragedy, singer, performance, magazine, role, love story, science fiction, plot, microphone, opera, character.
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Можно краткая информация о достопримечательностях Астаны на английском с преводом на русский
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как прочесть текст на английском яз.
Toys for me, toys for you, toys for everyone. a pink ballerina, fa blue toy soldier. we're all having fun.
toys for me, toys foys for you, toys for everyone. a brown teddy bear, a yellow doll. we're all having fun
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Соберите информацию с помощью интернета, затем напишите короткую статью о самом популярном виде спорта в России
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Помогите ответить грамотно на вопрос задания((
Read the dialogue. Say what martin has done. Was his mother surprised? Why?
- Hello, dear !
- Hi, Mum
- How are you? What are you doing?
- Oh, I am doing the washing up.
- You are doing the washing up? Really? Super !
- I have already cleaned my room and watered the flowers.
- You have cleaned your room. What a surprise !
- Yes, I have. I have also gone shopping and bought some apples, oranges and bananas. I haven’t made an apple pie yet. But I am going to make one this evening.
-An apple pie? Goodness ! And what about your homework?
-I have just done it.
-I can not believe it ! Any bad marks at school today?
-No, I have got an «excellent » in Maths.
- What has happened to you, then? Are you OK?
- I am fine ! Take it easy. It is all just a joke. Today is the 1 st of April !
-Bingo ! You got me !
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Put the verbs in brackets into PRESENR PERFECT or PAST SIMPLE.

1). I _______ ( go ) to the new gym yesterday.
2). ______ ( you \ go ) on holiday last year?
3). My friend is a writer. He ______ ( write) many books.
4).”Is Sonia here?” “ No, she _______ ( not \ come) yet.
5). _________ ( you \ ever \ meet ) a famous person?
6). The weather _____ ( be ) good last week.
7). I _____ ( lose ) my keys. I can’t find them.
8). She ____ ( break ) her arm 2 months ago.
9). _____ ( you \ watch) a play yesterday?
10). James _____ ( never \ drive ) a car before.
11). Kathy travels a lot. She _______ ( visit) many countries.
12). I ______ ( not \ like ) the film I saw last night.
13). “ Have you seen Mary?” “ Yes, I _____ ( see ) her 2 minutes ago”
14). She _____ ( already \ meet ) her parents at the station.
15). Jim’s grandmother ______ ( die) in 2010.
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Помогите с английский
Ex.13. Replace the "of-phrase" by the noun in the possessive case.
1. Doctor Manson kept his eyes fixed on the face of Miss Barlow, putting a question now and then. 2. The cheeks of Miss Barlow continued to brighten. 3. A faint smile played round the lips of Miss Barlow. 4. The voice of a girl was heard in the distance. 5. The books of Cronin are very popular in our country. 6. Jon slipped his hand through the arm of his mother. 7. The beauty of Ireland is really breathtaking. 8. The coats of the children need cleaning. 9. The cover of the book is very bright. 10. The policy of the company is still not clear to me. 11. The construction of the new metro line has started. 12. The TV programmes of last night were very interesting. 13. I was shocked by the opinion of Bess. 14. We need to paint the roof of the house. 15. The back of the chair was too low. 16. There was a lamp at the head of the bed.
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Put a line through the incorrect sentence. 1 You should to do all your homework. / You should do all your homework. 2 I not have to go to school today. / I don’t have to go to school today. 3 You shouldn’t be nervous. / You shouldn’t being nervous. 4 I might to have an exam today. / I might have an exam today. 5 Our teacher may be away today. / Our teacher may to be away today.
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Turn from Active into Passive.
5. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake.
6. You will have to pull down this building as you have not complied with the town planning regulations.
7. He expected us to offer him the job.
8. Children couldn’t have done all this damage.
9. We shall have to find someone to take her place.
10. The New Arts Gallery is to exhibit my paintings.
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Напишите кто это:
Cleopatra, Egyptian - queen
Jesse Owens, American -
Maria Montessori, Italian -
Luciano Pavarotti, Itallian -
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish -
Напишите кто остальные кроме клеопатры!
Singer, teacher, astronomer, athlete.
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Почему конструкция what you doing last christmas является неверной, а what did you do last Christmas является правильной
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Помогите с Английским
1. Three weeks ago Jack (go) to Madrid.
2. She (wash) her bike. Look, now it is really clean and looks like new!
3. Mr Clinton (work) for the company since 1997.
4. I (get) my bike in November. So I (have) it for five months.
5. Jenny (go) to India last summer. you ever (be) to India? – No, I haven’t.
6. she ever (be) to Dallas? She (go) there in 2001 and 2003.
7. I (learn) English for six years.
8. Yesterday our cat (have) a fight with the neighbor’s dog.
9. Where he (go) in 2006? – He (visit) his uncle in Canada.
10. My mum (buy) a video game last Saturday.
11. The dog (just, eat) the dog food. Its bowl is empty.
12. Patrick (have) his snowboard since Christmas.
13. They (be) married since 2003.
14. Last summer we (visit) our friends in Chile.
15. Sally and Mary (ride) their bikes for 3 hours. They are really tired now.
16. It (rain) since 5 o’clock. The streets are still wet.
17. you ever (see) the Empire State Building?
18. He (clean) the shoes. They look like new now.
19. Last night I (not find) the keys. I (cannot open) the door to our house.
20. She (write) five books this year.
21. Last spring we (travel) to Italy. We (like) it there, because the weather (be) nice and the people (be) very friendly.
22. George (be) here for three days. He’s going to stay another five days.
23. Mike (be) collecting stamps since 1999. He’s got really nice stamps. Would you like to see his collection?
24. Some weeks ago my brother (read) “Twilight”. – Really?
25. My family (have) a dog when I was a baby.
26. you already (do) your homework?
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