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Moscow is the capital of Russia. The Kremlin is the centre of the city. The Kremlin is next to the Moskva River. You can visit different churches and museums in the Kremlin. You can look at the Russian Crown Jewels in the Kremlin Museum. Thebuilding in the picture is St Basil’s Cathedral. This cathedral is next to the Kremlin. It is more than 450 years old. You can walk in the Aleksandrovsky Garden near. This square is called Red Square. You
can see Spasskaya Tower with the big clock. This clock plays music every hour. There’s a big department store on the west side of Red Square and there is the Museum of History on the south side of the square. Переведите текст
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переведите на русский Sergiev Posad near Moscow is famous for its wooden toys. They still make toys there today, and they’ve got a great Toy Museum. There are about 30,000 toys in the museum. There are old wooden ‘Trinity’ toys with moving parts. There are lots of dolls and matryoshkas and toy soldiers. There are modem electronic toys, too. You must go there some day!
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ПЕРЕВОД ТЕКСТА: clever bird came to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ran from one room to another and suddenly she saw a big black cat. The cat jumped and caught the bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast, ” the cat said. “You can’t have breakfast now, ” said the bird, “you must wash. The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do. ” “All right, ” the cat said. “I live with a farmer and in his house, and I must do what they do.
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, ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ТЕКСТ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ С УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕМ AS.AS ИЛИ NOT AS:1 Этот дом не такой большой, как тот. 2 Моя чашка такая же большая, как твоя. 3 Баскетбол не такая популярная игра, как футбол. 4 Он не занимается так часто, как Том. 5 Я тренируюсь так же долго, как ты. 6 Мы шли так же быстро, как они.
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Do you know that?
There were 300 species of elephants everywhere, today you can find them in Africa and India.
Especially Asian and Indian elephants are in danger.
Hunters have been killing elephants for meat and their ivorytusks for a long time.
Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough food to eatand space tolive.
Today only 1 million elephants live on the planet.
Some day they may disappear.
Before the war time tigers had enough space to live.
Today tropical forests became less and less.
People have been hunting tigers since the war.
They may disappear, too.
People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil.
Thirty years ago there were 100 000 rhinos in Africa.
Today there are probably less than 4000.
In Kenya, Zambia rhino horn is a fortune.
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As a non-consumable electrodes tungsten or carbon electrodes can be used. In gas-tungsten arc welding a tungsten electrode is used in place of the metal electrode used in shielded metal-arc welding. A chemically inert gas, such as argon, helium, or carbon dioxide is used to shield the metal from oxidation. The heat from the arc formed between the electrode and the metal melts the edges of the metal. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld. This process can be used with nearly all metals and pro­duces a high-quality weld. However, the rate of welding is considerably slower than in other processes.
Gas-Metal Arc
In gas-metal welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air by surrounding it with argon or carbon dioxide gas and sometimes by coating the electrode with flux. The electrode is fed into the electric arc, and melts off in droplets that enter the liquid metal of the weld seam. Most metals can be joined by this process.
Submerged Arc
Submerged-arc welding is similar to gas-metal arc welding, but in this process no gas is used to shield the weld. Instead of that, the arc and tip of the wire are sub­merged beneath a layer of granular, fusible material that covers the weld seam. This process is also called electroslag welding. It is very efficient but can be used only with steels.
Resistance Welding
In resistance welding, heat is obtained from the re­sistance of metal to the flow of an electric current. Elec­trodes are clamped on each side of the parts to be welded, the parts are subjected to great pressure, and a heavy current is applied for a short period of time. The point where the two metals touch creates resistance to the flow of current. This resistance causes heat, which melts the metals and creates the weld. Resistance welding is widely employed in many fields of sheet metal or wire manufac­turing and is often used for welds made by automatic or semi-automatic machines especially in automobile industry.
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In my toy box
L’ve got a teddi bear,
And a ballerina
With long dark hair!
In my toy box
I’ve got a soldier too!
I’ve got lots of toys
For me and you!
Look in my toy box,
Come and see!
Toys for you,
Toys for me! Перевести на русский как это будет читаться английскими словами
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Можете перевести текст Heres some info about my school for your project.I go to the Carton Arts SCHOOL IN lONDON ENGLAND. its gor pulilsfrom 11to 18 years old.itsa small schoolbut there are about 40 teachers the school daystarts at 9 o lock and finishes at 3,30 pm. we wear a grey and white uniform
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Перевод текста: Many English families live in flats, but some people have got their own houses. There are two floors in the traditional English house: the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and the bathroom are upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor: it makers the room comfortable. English people usually have a fire in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. People in England like their homes and often say: «There is no place like home».
In Russian cities people usually live in flats. I have got a flat too. It is big (little). It’s on the … floor. The number of it is …. Our flat has … rooms a kitchen and a bathroom. Our living room is big. It is light because it has … big windows. You can see a piano on the left. There is an armchair near the window. The TV set is on the right. I have got my own room.
Our kitchen is big and comfortable. The furniture in the kitchen is light. There is a fridge near the window. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen. The bathroom is small. We have a bath or shower there.
I like my flat. It’s cozy one.
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Неподалеку от Геленджика на берегу моря обнаружили ящик с зенитными снарядами. Боеприпасы нашли жители села Архипо-Осиповка, предположительно, их выбросило на берег штормом. По данным пограничников, в штатной упаковке шведского концерна Bofors было четыре 40-мм зенитных снаряда. Такое оружие принято на вооружение в странах НАТО, сообщает «Интерфакс». Несмотря на повреждения корпуса ящика, его содержимое оказалось в боеспособном состоянии. Данные о снарядах передали в органы внутренних дел.
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1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите на русский язык текст:
Computer system architecture is organized around the primary storage unit because all data and instructions used by the computer system must pass through primary storage. Our discussion of computer system units will begin with the functions of the primary and secondary storage units. This leads to the examination of the central processing unit and from there to the considera-tion of the input and output units. Therefore, the sequence in which we’ll de-scribe the functional units of a digital computer is: 1) storage units, primary and secondary; 2) central processing unit; 3) input and output units.
There are primary and secondary storage units. Both contain data and the instructions for processing the data. Data as well as instructions must flow into and out of primary storage.
Primary storage is also called main storage or internal storage. The spe-cific functions of internal storage are to hold (store): 1) all data to be pro-cessed; 2) intermediate results of processing; 3) final results of processing; 4) all the instructions required for ongoing process. Another name for primary storage is memory, because of its similarity to a function of the human brain. However, computer storage differs from human memory in important respects. Computer memory must be able to retain very large numbers of symbol com-binations, without forgetting or changing any details. It must be able to locate all its contents quickly upon demand.
2. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. What are the functional units of a digital computer?
2. What units make up the central processing unit?
3. How is computer system organized?
4. What are the two main types of storage units?
5. What do they contain?
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A blue uniform,red trunks,red boots,and a long,flowing cape. Tall,strong,invincible. Kind,smart,just!Faster than a speeding bullet!More powerful than a train!Able to leap from building to building in a single bound!That’s Super,our most favourite superhero!
Superman ’was born’ in 1933. His real ’parents’ were high shcool students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland,Ohio. Jerry and Joe were rather shy and unpopular at school,so they made up a superhero to live a life of fantasy through him!
As the story goes,Superman came from dying planet Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket in order to save him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. A couple of farmers found the boy, adopted him and named him Clark. As Clark grew older, he gained strenght from the Sun. By the time he was an adult he was abult he was able he was able to fly, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls. From that point,he was Superman
Superman is a symbol of the American dream. He is a man who tries hard and succeeds. He is also a classical hero who fights criminals and rescues the helpless. He is the superhero we all know and love!
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просто переведите этот текст: Вот вопрос-What are the two ’most American’ holidays? Fill in the gaps the correct prepositions. И снизу пошёл текст
Americans have a big party on Independence Day. Some towns and cities have parades with music bands and flags _on__ the Fourth of July. The atmosphere of the family party, with hot dogs and hamburgers _in_ the afternoon and the fireworks _at_ night makes the Fourth of July a national birthday party. Thanksgiving Day is _on_ the fourth Thursday _in_ November. People started to celebrate it _in_ 1621. _On_ Thanksgiving all people in the family gather in the house of their parents and eat a large traditional dinner.
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"мои зимние каникул ы прошли отлично. Я их провела у бабушки. К счастью выпало много снега. Мы с друзьями играли в снежки, катались на санках и лепили снеговиков. А вечером я смотрела телевизор или играла на компьютере. Также мы с бабушкой ходилив многие незнакомые для меня места например на работу. Там я познакомилась с очень интересными людьми которые давали мне конфеты. Ещё мы ходили в множество интересных мест но больше всего мне запомнилась львовская кофейня. Она была выполнена в украинском стиле все там были нарядные и красивые. А новый год и рождество мы провели дома.
так прошли мои летние каникулы
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1. Mary said: “I will help my sister.”
2. Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”
3. The poor man said: “My horse is wild. It can kill your horse”.
4. She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
5. He told her: “I go to the fish market once a week.”
6. Betty said: “I found my passport.”
7. Fred said: “I played a new computer program”.
8. Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”
9. I said:”I will give you my address”
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Переведите текст с ответом Hi, Linda! Thanks for your email. How are you? I’m doing my homework. All the family are here and are busy too. Mums in the living room. She’s making some phone calls. Dads working in the garden. It’s hard work. My little brother, Tom. Is helping him. He’s planting some flowers.My sister, Zoe, is having a good time though. She’s playing games with her friend. What are you doing? Any plans for Sunday? Write back soon. Love, Roise
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Коала – это травоядное сумчатое животное, которое перемещается по веткам деревьев. Их ареал обитания – австралийский континент. Иногда коалу называют «сумчатым медведем», хотя у этих животных нет ничего общего с медведями. Коала – единственный вид животных семейства Коаловые. Коала В настоящий момент, осталось около 100.000 особей. Но это количество постоянно уменьшается по самым разным причинам. Поэтому к этим животным стараются относится как можно бережнее.
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Переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Perfect Active:
1. I have just seen this film.
2. He has already read this book.
3. The rain hasn’t stopped yet.
4. They have not come yet.
5. I have never been to the USA.
6. Have you ever been to France?
7. I have worked there since 1997.
8. He will have come there by 7 o’clock.
9. She had finished her work when we came in.
10. Ann has recently lost his telephone number.
11. I’ve just seen that fleabag motel. Don’t say anything about it!
12. He’d already drunk one for the road, but he was still there. Nice try!
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New York, 1933. Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles and had an idea to Scrabble
In Scrabble, players choose seven letter tiles in random order
Players get Bonus points and who has the most wins
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Только как говорится с английского
На русский
New York, 1933. Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles and had an idea to Scrabble
In Scrabble, players choose seven letter tiles in random order
Players get Bonus points and who has the most wins
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George and his fellow student Nick, who had recently recovered from his illness, came to the therapeutic department of the clinic in Svoboda Street to attend the first practical studies in Therapy.
During the first practical studies the students acquainted themselves with the work of the reception ward.Yhere a nurse on duty was receiving those patients who had to be hospitalized. They had already received the direction from the polyclinic.The nurse on duty was filling in patients case histories. There she was recording the folliwing data:their name,age,place of employment,occupation,address and the initial diagnosis made by a district doctor.
That day the first patient admitted to the in-patient departament was Comrade Belov.He was a railway worker,52 years of age,with a bad heart attack.The onset of the disease had been sudden and severe.He had already been confined to bed for three days.He was very pale and weak.It was clear that he was suffering from some serious heart impairment.
The students saw the patient be undressed and laid diwn on a stretcher.The students also saw other patients with different diseases of inner organs.The doctor onduty examined them and gave his instructions to which wards the patients had to be directed.
The students and the assistant doctor went to the in-patient department after their work in the reception ward.Here they acquainted themselves with the daily regime of the clinic.They were shown the wards,the X-ray rooms,the laboratories and the procedure room.
They could see the work of the nurses on duty,who were taking the patient’s temperature,giving the injections,cupping them,applying mustrad plasters and giving medicine.
The same day the students acquainted themselves with the mail rules of carrying on a phusical examination and making a family history by questioning a patiet thoroughly.
In the following practical class students learned the methods of examining a patient.Those methods were:questioning a patient,external examination,percussion,auscultation,palpation,taking blood pressure,laboratory examination,taking electrocardiograms,etc.
During their practical stubies the students saw the doctors make their daily rounds, exemine the patients, who were in the hospital and presctibe them differend medicines.
The students learned that doctors in charge made their daily rounds of the wards in the morning.Besides doctors on duty made the daily rounds of the wards in the evening. The head of the chail and the clinic,a professor,made the rounds of the wards together with other doctors on definite days.
During their work at the clinic the students remembered well patient Kasakov. His condition was very poor. The students were allowed to examine this patient,as they had already acquainted themsel ves with the methond of examina tion. They questioned the patient and found out that he had a severe pain in the heart and substernal area. The pain rabiated to the left arm and shoulder. The patient was pale, and his lips were cyanotic. He suffered from breathlessness. The pain and breathlessness increased on the slightest physical exertion. The student determined that the borders of his heart were dilated, heart sounds were dull, the pulse was irregular at times. They also examined other inner organs and found out that it was necessary to tace the electrocardiogram, to make the analyses of blood and urine. Having got all the sudjective and objectave findinds the srudents made the subjective and odjective findings the students made the initail diagnosis of angina pectoris by themselves. The assistant doctor confirmed their diagnosis.
During their work at the clinic the students remembered well patient Kasakov. His condition was very poor. The students were allowed to examine this patient,as they had already acquainted themsel ves with the methond of examina tion. They questioned the patient and found out that he had a severe pain in the heart and substernal area. The pain rabiated to the left arm and shoulder. The patient was pale, and his lips were cyanotic. He suffered from breathlessness. The pain and breathlessness increased on the slightest physical exertion. The student determined that the borders of his heart were dilated, heart sounds were dull, the pulse was irregular at times. They also examined other inner organs and found out that it was necessary to tace the electrocardiogram, to make the analyses of blood and urine. Having got all the sudjective and objectave findinds the srudents made the subjective and odjective findings the students made the initail diagnosis of angina pectoris by themselves. The assistant doctor confirmed their diagnosis
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The company Siemens as an example of a multinational corporation Companies are a very important part of a country’s economy. Businesses produce goods and provide services, and they come in every shape and size. Although the vast majority of the world’s companies are small, in many countries the economy is dominated by large firms. Large businesses differ from small ones in a wide variety of ways. In many countries there are nationalized companies belonging to the state, as well as private companies. A private company might be a small firm with just one owner or a very large firm with thousands of shareholders ‘owning’ the firm. Some firms may only produce one good or provide one service. Others may produce many different products; in fact they may seem to be like a collection of ‘businesses’ inside of one company. As a company gets bigger it may expend geographically. Many large firms are multinationals like Nestle, General Motors, Ingersoll Rend etc. They have manufacturing plants and trading locations in several different countries spread around the world. As an example of multinationals can be considered the company Siemens. Over the decades, its name is a synonym to progress. Since 1847, when Werner Siemens and Johann Georg Halske founded the Siemens & Halske Telegraph Construction Company in Berlin, the history of Siemens has been closely linked with the development of electrical engineering. New ideas are an old tradition of Siemens. The company is today a highly innovative leader in the world electrical and electronics market. Composed of 7 Siemens AG and an array of domestic and foreign subsidiaries, the contemporary Siemens organization continues to set milestones on the road of progress. Siemens has factories in more than 50 countries and operates a worldwide sales network. With the number of employees of more than 300,000, it is one of the largest companies in the world electrical/electronics industry. Its annual sales recorded €1.5 bln in the 2014 fiscal year. Its reliable and farsighted management is united with the youthful dynamism and zest for innovation that typify the company.
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Портфолио: подумай о событии, которое происходит каждый год в твоей школе. Создай страничку для школьного сайта. Напиши название и дату, место, занятие. На английском с переводом!
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Сегодня многие люди думают, что в будущем дети будут учиться только на компьютерах и что школ больше не будет.
Однако я не согласна с этим. Я думаю что компьютеры никогда не смогут заменить учителя в школе. Учителя поддерживают и помогают нам. Компьютер же не может показывать каких-либо эмоций, ведь это только программа. К тому же у людей, которые проводят много времени за компьютером ухудшается зрение. Люди перестают общаться, выходить на улицу. Компьютер заменил всех и все, и они разучились ходить гулять читать обычные книги. Я думаю, что детям нужно общение а не электронный гаджет перед глазами. Школа это не только место, где проходят уроки, это еще и место где дети могут общаться и заниматься спортом.
Я не могу спорить с тем, что сегодня для каждого из нас компьютер почти незаменимая вещь. Ведь он может хранить в себе много информации. В интернете можно найти практически все что вам нужно, начиная от любимой книги и заканчивая последними новостями. Не выходя из дома можно работать и делать покупки. Компьютер может помочь ребенку в обучении, но не может заменить учителя.
В итоге я могу сказать что наличие компьютера бесспорно облегчает нашу жизнь, однако гаджет не может предложить нам такое вдохновение и поддержку, которые дают учителя.

Today, many people think that in the future children will learn only on computers and that schools will be no more.
However, I do not agree with this. I think that computers can never replace teachers in school. Teachers support and help us. Computer can not show any emotion, because it is just a program. Besides, people who spend a lot of time on the computer deteriorating eyesight. People stop to chat, go outside. The computer replaced everyone and everything, and they have forgotten how to walk, to read a normal book. I think that children need communication and not an electronic gadget before your eyes. The school is not only a place where the lessons, it is also a place where children can socialise and play sports.
I can’t argue with the fact that today the computer is almost indispensable. Because it can store a lot of information. On the Internet you can find almost everything you need. From home to work and to shop. The computer can help the child in learning, but cannot replace teachers.
In the end, I can say that the presence of the computer undoubtedly facilitates our life, but the gadget can offer us the inspiration and support you give teachers.
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