Задания » Перевести на русский

Напишите текст (описание) на английском языке с переводом про любое насекомое.
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Most parents tell their children not to play with their food. A group of musicians in Austria obviosly didn’t listen!
The Viena Vegetable Orchersta, witch was founded in 1998, uses fresh vegetablse to make music. They chose only the frehest vegetablse from local markets for their instruments, which are made an hour before the show. "Fresh vegetables produce high-quality sounds. Plastic parked vegetables do not make good instruments," they say. Each vegetable can be used in many different ways. Carrots are made into flutes, leeks into violins and pumpkins into bass drums. Combinations of vegetables are also used together to creat instruments. For example, they can make a trumpet by using a cucumber for the body,a carrot for the mouthpiece and a pepper for the trumpet’s bell. The sound of each imstrument depends on the quality of the vegetables and the temperature on stage. The orchersta is constantly worcing on developing new instruments.
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Написать своему другу письмо о том, что вы и ваша семья делаете дома. (50-60 слов) по англискому+ перевод на русский
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Нужно написать письмо своему другу о том, что вы и ваша семья делаете. 50-60 слов +перевод на русский
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, переведите текст на английский язык:
Столько интересных книг можно найти в библиотеке, что иногда даже и не знаешь, что прочитать сейчас, а что потом. Я люблю ходить в библиотеки и находить там книгу, которая меня заинтересует уже тогда, когда я ее замечу издалека на полке; но мою самую любимую книгу я нашла не в библиотеке – мне ее принесла мама.
Мне в этой книге понравилась повесть Антуана де Сент Экзюпери «Маленький принц». Это печальная сказка о детях. Это мудрая и человечная сказка, которая адресована, скорее всего, детям. Экзюпери, летчик и писатель, размышляет о самом важном – о вечных вопросах нашей жизни: о добре и зле, о красоте и равнодушии, о дружбе, о верности и ответственности человека за свои поступки. Для Экзюпери было очень важно написать такую сказку, как «Маленький принц». Ведь он часто повторял, что из доброй семечки обязательно вырастет доброе дерево.
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перевести с английского языка на русский текст
It’s a Party *
The Barkers are having a party this
afternoon.Sall’s birthday and a lot of friends are coming to say happy birthday.
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Vernon Davies lived in London and kept birds,
which were called budgies ( попугайчик). One day he phoned his friend and asked to feed
the birds as he was going to Wales for a week. He said he’d leave food ready
in his kitchen. A key to his front door would be left in the letterbox of
his friend’s flat.
His friend forgot about the birds untill the night
before Vernon was going to return. He also forgot about the key and tried
to get to Vernon’s house through a window. He thought that poor birds would
either be dead or dying.
As a result, when he reached the window, a policeman
came and shone a torch at him, asking what was he doing there.
"Oh",he said, "I was just going
to get in to give some food to Mr Davies’ birds!"
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Перевести текст на английский язык без переводчика! 1. Анкета. 1. Нет, мои родители получают заработную плату наличными. 2. Мои родители используют дебетовую карту, редко. 3. Да, мы заказывали билет на самолет в интернете. 4. Да, мы заказывали билеты в кино, совсем недавно. 5. Да, моя мама заказывала себе книгу, а папа джинсы. 6. Да, мои родители считают что покупки в интернете могут быть опасными. 7. Да, мой папа часто пользуется услугами банка. В основном наша семья используют компьютер для работы и для развлечений. Сейчас человеку не обойтись без компьютеров, смартфонов, планшетов. Они постоянно нужны, то для учебы, то для работы в офисе, они нужны везде. Сейчас, можно все делать не выходя из дома, покупать вещи, платить за коммунальные услуги. Человечество сделало большой шаг в развитии технологий.
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6. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык. ТЕКСТ London is the capital of the United Kingdom, its economic, political and cultural center. It is one of the world’s most important ports and one of the largest cities in the world. London with its suburbs has a population of about 11 million people. London has been a capital for nearly a thousand years. Many of its ancient buildings still stand. The most famous of them are the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral. Most visitors also want to see the Houses of Parliament and the many magnificent museums. Once London was a small Roman town of the north bank of the Thames. Slowly it grew into one of the world’s major cities. Different areas of London seem like different cities. The West End is a rich man’s world of shops, offices and theatres. The City of London is the district where most offices and banks are concentrated; the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England are here, too. The East End is a district where mostly working people live. The old port area is now called "Docklands". There are now new office buildings in Docklands, and thousands of new flats and houses. By the day the whole of London is busy. At night, offices are quiet and empty, but the West End stays alive, because this is where Londoners come to enjoy themselves. There are two opera houses here, several concert halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas. In nearby Soho the pubs and restaurants and nightclubs are busy half the night.
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Сделайте из утвердительных предложений отрицательные. Переведите на русский язык.
1. I'm reading a book.
2. Bill is playing a computer game.
3. The boy is running.
4. Your dad is driving his car.
5. We are watching TV.
6. The boys are writing in their notebooks.
7. It is snowing now.
8. Helen is laughing at the moment.
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Кто первым овладел интернетом в нашей семье? Папа, ведь ему он в первую очередь нужен был для работы, например: отправлять и получать документ о новом рейсе, скачивать различные фильмы обучающие английскому языку и т. Д
Он ему очень сильно помогает досих пор. Потом после появления второго модема интернетом стал пользоваться брат. С ним он делал различные презентации, скачивал фильмы на уроки и конечно играть в игры, от чего он зависим до сегодняшнего дня. И только после появления роутера "Ростелеком" им начал пользоваться, также он мне помогает в учебе и т. К в игры я не играю, я пользуюсь соцсетями, не могу сказать, что я зависим от интернета скорее от самого телефона, я не знаю почему. Мама конечно начала пользоваться интернетом раньше, но я почему то говорю о ней последней, она ищет в нем рецепты смотрит фильмы и обучающие ролики.
Не могу сказать, что интернет это во всем хорошо, ведь многие от него зависят, также там создаются так называемые группы смерти, но всё же с его приходом жить стало на порядок проще.
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I’ve got a table. I haven’ t got a computer. a table a bed a sofa a bookcase a chair a lamp an armchair a TV a computer a carpet
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Переведите текст нормально и правильно, со смыслом. Со My Uncle Albert always has "high tea". He says he has no use for these "afternoon teas" where you try to hold a cup of tea in one hand and a piece of bread and butter about as thin as a sheet of paper in the other. He’s a Lancashire man, and nearly everyone in Lancashire likes high tea. So do I. We have it between five and six o’clock, and we have ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or a kipper, or sausages, with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricots or pineapple with cream or custard and pastries or a good cake. And that’s what 1 call a good tea.
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Нью-Йорк основан в начале 17 века голландскими колонистами. До 1664 года его называли Новым Амстердамом.
Город переименовали в Нью-Йорк в честь герцога Йорского.
Нью-Йорк состоит из пяти районов : Стейтен Айленд, Манхэттен, Квинс, Бронкс и Бруклин. Манхэттен - самый дорогой район в Нью-Йорке и единнственный, в котором нет главной улицы.
Одним из символов этого города является Статуя Свободы.
Власти Нью-Йорка активно борются с курением. В Нью-Йорке много музеев и галерей. Самые популярные - музей Метрополитен, коллекция Фрика, галерея Гугенхайма.
И именно в Нью-Йорке была построена первая фабрика по выпуску жевательной резинки.
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Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was busy with my school project. Hope you didn’t have accidents while hiking!
As for me, I don’t have much time on active holidays because I have a lot of homework. My family is more the stay-at-home sort, so I can’t spend the time with them somehow actively. My company is my friend and, you know, our trips are usually very jolly. I’d like to try rafting this spring, because it implies a well coordinated team work, good reaction and nerves of steel.
I’d better go now as my Dad wants me to help him with his car. Write soon!
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Which of the following statements do you agree/ disagree with? Why? 1) Friends at school are a waste of time; you go to schoolto learn. 2) A lot of friends are a waste of time. 3)People cannot do without friends. И с переводом на русский
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Перевод текста dear God,though the intercession of our patron,saint florian,have mercy on the sousl of our comrades who have made the supreme sacrifice in the performance of their duty,and on all who have gone before us after years of faithful discharge of their responsibilities which now rest on ourselves.
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Точный перевод, учитель знает правильный и не правильный перевод
"That was just great, William! Why did you laugh?" Mary asked him. "She rubbed me," said William.
"Well, so much for plan number two, friends," Walter said
"I think we’d better stay in the Tower of London and just forget about our plans," Mary said
"I agree with Mary," Anne said.
"Me too," Said William.
Walter had to agree.
The four ravens learned not to pay attention to the cameras, the noise or the children. Walter spent his time on the wall of the Tower, watching the city of London.
The friends were happy to be together in the Tower again.
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The flora of Kazakhstan
Semi—desert is between two differentzones — steppes and deserts. Very oftenlarge areas are occupied by wormwood,and in some more humid parts, there arethickets of needle grass.
Basically, semi—desert vegetation — isfescue, daisy and feath grass. About 250species of plants in Kazakhstan areadapt to desert conditions. The mostinteresting representative isth blacksaksaal. Also, in the desert area, sandacacia can be found The Altai Mountainsare rich in cedar and pine forests. In thesouthern mountains of Tien Shan there area lot of apple and ash forests. Spruceforests grow in the Altai Mountains. It isbelieved that such plants as walnut, fir,spruce and maple appeared in Kazakhstanmany millions years ago through the hillcountry of the Tien Shan, when the systemwas just beginning to take shape and hadlow hills. The nature of the Altai, AlatauMountains is rich in various flowers: iris,saffon, bluebells, autumn crocus,snowdrops, peonies, some kinds of rosesand tulips and the symbol ol mountains,edelweiss.
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1. If the number and variety of its important reference libraries and specialized book collections are anything to go by, London must be one of the most literary-minded cities in the world. It would be hard to think of a subject which has not got a library devoted especially to it, and no other city is so well provided with public lending libra ries.
2. The origin of the Capitular Library of St. Paul’s Cathedral dates back to the seventh century, but ail its books, with the exception of some incunabula (books printed before 1500) and six manuscripts, were destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The archives, however, were preserved. The Library was refounded after the Fire and the collection was built up again by gift and purchase during the 17th and 18th centuries.
3. The biggest London library is that of, the British Museum. This is, in effect, the National Reference Library and one of the five libraries in the British Isles entitled to a copy of every book and periodical published in the country.
4. In 1841 the London Library in St.James Square was founded—a library of about 600,000 volumes, mainly devoted to the humanities and fine arts.
5.People of a scientific turn of mind will find their book-utopia in the library of the Science Museum, while on the opposite side of Exhibition Road the Victoria and Albert Museum can claim the largest art library in the world. Here also is the collection of books and original Dickens manuscripts and letters.
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Напишите как читается не перевод пэжэ Alice in Wonderland is an interesting book Tresuare Island is more interesting Robinson Crudoe is the most interesting
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надо помочь с переводом текста

The fisrt CCTV cameras appeared in Britain in 1953, and by the 1960s there were already a few cameras in major streets in London. Today, there are more than four milion CCTV cameras across the country. That’s one camera for every fourteen people. The cameras are there to film dangerous or illegal behaviour. With new software, they can automatically recognise the faces of known criminals, and a new kind of CCTV in the NEtherlands can detect angry voices and automatically warn the police of trouble.
The amount of surveillance in town and cities across Britain is increasing. Some goods in shops now have RFID tags attached to them. When you pick up on of these items, the RFID tag sends a radio massage to a CCTV camera and the camera starts filming you. Shops say that this technology helps to catch shoplifters
. Every time you make or receive a call on your mobile phone, the phone company konowns the number of the phone are calling and how long the call lasts. It is even possible to work out your exact location. The police often use this information when they’re investing serious crimes.
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