Задания » Упражнения

Допоможіть будь ласка з перекладом
Twelve different and special dishes are traditional for this meal which begins only after the first star of the evening appears. The twelve dishes are to remind us of the twelve Apostles.
After a day of fasting, in remembrance of the hardships that Mary endured as she and Joseph to Bethlehem, preparations of a spiritual and physical nature set the mood for this Holy Night.
Food for the Holy Supper is prepared with no meat or dairy products. Hay is put under the table and the tablecloth as a reminder of the humble place of Christ’s birth. On top of a white or embroidered tablecloth is placed a Kolach, in the middle ofthe table. In the middle of the Kolach a candle is placed, which is left burning all night. A lit candle is also placed in the window to welcome any homeless person. There is always an extra table setting for the souls of the deceased. As dusk approaches, the head of the house brings in a Didukh, a sheaf of grain, and places it near the Icons. As the star appears, the father carries a bowl of Kutja around the home three times, reciting prayers. When all the family is at the table, prayers are recited and the Nativity Tropar is sung, "Boh Predvichny"
The first dish of the twelve is always Kuta, the eldest of the famil throws a spoonful of the kutja to the ceiling, the greater the good luck i the following year. The more kernels that stick to the ceiling, the greater the good luck in the following year.
After the completion of the twelve dishes, nuts and candies are scattered in the hay under the table for the children to find. Throughout the rest of the evening, Christmas carols are sung by the family.
When it is almost midnight, all the members of the family go to the Nativity Mass, a celebration of Christ’s birth. The following day and up to Jordan carolers visit families and friends, starting with the home of the priest, proclaiming the birth of Christ, our Saviour. The Holy days of the Christmas season end on January 20, the feast of St. John, the Baptist.

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Вставьте правильную форму have/be/do
Supply a necessary form of the auxiliary verbs (have / be / do) and an appropriate pronoun where necessary.
1) The youth of today _______ many advantages. 2) There _____ vermin in this restaurant. 3) The military ____ occupied the house. 4) The police ____ interested in this case. 5) The public ____ concerned about it. 6) The committee ____ meeting now. 7) Where ___ the scissors? _____ in the first drawer on the left. 8) How much ____ a good pair of trousers cost these days?
9) If your clothes ___ dirty, please put ____ in the laundry basket.10) My jeans ____ (not) faded much even though I keep washing ___. 11) All their belongings ____ been destroyed in a fire.
12)These shorts ___ (not) fit me at all. 13) The crowd ____ growing restless as the day got hotter. 14) Sony ____ announced rising profits for the 3rd year running. 15) Thomas was thought to be in Spain, although his exact whereabouts ___ unknown. 16) The stairs leading to the exit ____ steep and dangerous.17) The outskirts of the town ___ rather dull. 18) Why ____ there remains of food on the table? 19) The audience ___ shocked. 20) New machinery ___ installed in the factory. 21) My family ____ early risers. 22) What ____ your politics? 23) Wages ____ paid to workmen by the day or week. 24) There ___ two fish in the basket. 25) The job is unpaid, but quite a number of people ___ willing to undertake it. 26) Where ____ my greens? 27) There ____ hardly any furniture in this room. 28) His looks _____ no better than those of many young students one sees every day. 29) The fruit ___ ripe. 30) The winter was so cold that the surviving cattle ____ no more than skin and bones.
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Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. When did you last go/have you last been to the cinema? 2. We’d better wait here until the rain stops/will stop. 3. I’ve finished my exams; so I’m having/I have a party tomor­row.4. Why do you stare/are you staring at me like that? You look/are looking beautiful today.5. When the phone rang I had/was having coffee in the kitchen. 6. I can’t go out because I haven’t finished/I didn’t finish my homework yet.7. How long are you working/have you been working here? 8. I’m waiting for Kate. Have you seen/Did you see her? 9. Your suitcase looks very heavy. Will I/Shall I help you? 10. When I was a child, I used to ride/was riding a tricycle.11. What do you do/are you doing! I’m a student.12. When we arrived home, it already stopped/had stopped raining and the children sat/were sitting outside the door waiting for us.13. At the beginning of the film I realized that I saw/had seen it before.14. I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I know/will know the results.15. I’m sorry I can’t talk long. I study/am studying for an exa­mination.16. I stay/am staying at the Hotel Superior. Why don’t you call me? 17. "What did you do/were you doing when you saw the snake?" - I ran away! 18. By the time the police get there, the burglars will have vanished/ vanished.19. I’m sorry I haven’t written/I didn’t write to you lately, but I’ve been working/worked hard this term.20. When I was on holiday last summer, I was going/went to the beach every day and lie/was lying in the sun since morn­ing till afternoon.
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Open the brackets and put the verbs either in Present Simple or in Present Continuous. Mind positive, negative or question aspects.
1. Kate (to cook) dinner every day. 2. I (not to eat) ice-cream now. 3. You (to go) to school every day? 4. What your brother (to do) now? 5. Look! My friends (to play) football. 6. Kate (not to write) letters every day. 7. When Nick (to get) up every morning? 8. What mother (to do) now? — She (to cook) din­ner. 9. I (not to write) a report now. 10. My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning. 11. When you (to go) to school? 12. Every morning on the way to school I (to meet) my friends. 13. My friend (to go) to the library every Wednesday. 14. What you (to do) now? 15. Don’t make noise! Father (to work).
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Напишите статью, чтобы описать то, что, по-вашему, произошло, когда прибыл полицейский.
Оливер Твист
Мальчики в работном доме (дом, где жили бедные и занимались неблагодарной работой ради еды) ели в большом каменном зале. В одном конце был котел, из которой хозяин раздавал кашу во время приема пищи. У каждого мальчика была только одна полная ложка и не больше, за исключением праздников, когда им давали две унции (56 грамм) каши и четверть хлеба.
Миски никогда не нуждались в мытье, поскольку мальчики полировали(polished) их со своими ложками, пока они не сияли. Когда они делали это, они сидели, уставившись на котел нетерпеливыми глазами, как будто они могли легко съесть даже сами кирпичи, из которых он был сделан. Между тем, они облизали(licked) пальцы, пытаясь найти любые случайные(stray) частички каши.
Вообще, у мальчиков превосходный аппетит(appetites) и Оливер, и его друзья(companions) страдали от медленного голодания в течение трех месяцев. Они наконец так одичали от голода, что один мальчик, который был несколько высок для его возраста и нисколько не привык к такой пище, потому что его отец владел небольшой пекарней, сказал своим друзьям, что, если у него не будет еще одной ложки каши ежедневно, он боялся, что однажды ночью мог бы съесть мальчика, который спал рядом с ним. У него, казалось, был дикий, голодный взгляд, и другие полностью(entirely) верили ему. Состоялась встреча и была проведена жеребьевка(lots were drawn), чтобы увидеть, кто должен подойти к хозяину после ужина в тот вечер и попросить больше. Задача(task)упала на Оливера Твиста.
Вечер наступил, и мальчики заняли свои места. Хозяин в своем фартуке(apron) повара стоял около котла с его помощниками позади него. Каша была роздана, и длинная молитва была прочитана. После того, как каша закончилась, мальчики шептали(whispered) друг другу и подмигивали(winked) Оливеру, в то время как его соседи подталкивали(nudged) егo. Оливер был отчаянным от голода и страдания. Он поднялся из-за стола и, подходя к хозяину со своей миской, сказал:
", сэр, я хочу еще немного"
Хозяин был толстым, здоровым человеком, но он побледнел очень. Он пристально в изумлении посмотрел на мальчика в течение нескольких секунд и затем облокотился на котел для поддержки. Его помощники были парализованы(paralysed) от удивления(wonder), а мальчики от страха.
"Что?" сказал хозяин в конечном счете слабым(faint)голосом.
", сэр," ответил Оливер, "Я хочу еще немного. "
Хозяин ударил Оливера по голове ковшом, схватил его крепко и громко позвал(shrieked) полицейского.
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1. Это моя подруга. Она спортсменка. Она играет в воллейбол очень хорошо.
2. У меня нет времени разговаривать с тобой. Я делаю уроки.
3. Кто живет в этом доме?
4. Куда я могу положить сумки?
5. Ты пойдешь со мной в магазин? А можно я останусь дома?
6. Он никогда не моет руки перед едой. Это плохо.
7. Почему ты спишь? Ты обычно делаешь зарядку в это время.
8. Что они делают?
9. Сколько фруктов она обычно съедает в день?
10. Мальчик на дереве твой брат? Нет. Я его не знаю.
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The study showed that local police can play an important role in crime prevention. It makes a strong case for boosting the numbers of community police officers although it warns against increasing police presence on the streets to an alarming degree. Its methodologically was based on a range of interviews asking members of the public for their views on how best to prevent crime. Unfortunately, how to implement this recommendation was beyond the scope of the study but at least it serves a useful purpose in raising awareness of the issue.
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Складіть речення з слів :
1 school? at - you - play - your - new - sports - will - Which
2 basketball, I’ll - love - I’m - because - sure - play - it. I
3 drums - still - you - Cornwall? in - will - your - play
4 have - there. I’ll - lessons - some - maybe - musik
5 Wadebridge? will - to - you - your - when - parents - move - and
6 before - I - we’ll - hope - school - move - starts.
7 rugby - in - will - Wadebridge? to - you - games - go
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Как читается на русском языке?
R: Which book or books are you reading now?
M: "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" by Т. E. Lawrence.
R: Where is your favourite place lo read?
M: In an armchair by the fire, or by a river on
R; Who is your favourite poet?
M: I think. William Shakespeare.
R: Who is your favourite character?
M: Robinson Crusoe — he’s a strong man and
very smart, too.
R: Name your three desert island choices.
M: Lofty Wiseman’s " SAS Survival Handbook " (useful),
Т. E. Lawrence’s "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" (gripping),
The Bible (I could be on the island a long time!)
R: And what is your favourite children’s book?
M: Any of the books by Kipling.
R: What book would you like to see filmed?
M: It would be great to have an encyclopedia on film.
R: Which book changed your life?
M: I have to confess it was "The Oxford
Dictionary of Quotations".
R: Which book would you think is good
reading for everyone?
M: The same again — it has the wisdom of five centuries in it.
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Add a sentence with "too" or "enough". Use the following adjectives: big, heavy, difficelt, hot, high, loud, busy.
My father and my uncle couldn’t move the piano. It was too heavy for them to move it.
a) The children couldn’t cross the road
b) All of us could sit round the table
c) I can’t reach the top shelf
d) We can’t understand the text
e) Not everyone could hear the music
f) The coffee had got cold. She couldn’t drink it.
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>Dogs play many roles in human society and people often use them as working dogs.People use dogs to hunt, to guard.Greyhounds, setters, retrievers are excellent hunters and are very popular in the USA where hunting is a sport.Such breeds as collies, Welsh corgis are wonderful shepherds and help to guard cows and sheep.A well-known breed of St.Bernard is good at finding people in the mountains under snow.Newfoundland that is a wonderful swimmer is good at rescuing people at sea.The USA police use dogs a lot.They train them to find drugs and bombs.Dogs patrol streets together with policemen
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Переведите. Это про животных, собак.
Dogs play many roles in human society and people often use them as working dogs.People use dogs to hunt, to guard.Greyhounds, setters, retrievers are excellent hunters and are very popular in the USA where hunting is a sport.Such breeds as collies, Welsh corgis are wonderful shepherds and help to guard cows and sheep.A well-known breed of St.Bernard is good at finding people in the mountains under snow.Newfoundland that is a wonderful swimmer is good at rescuing people at sea.The USA police use dogs a lot.They train them to find drugs and bombs.Dogs patrol streets together with policemen
In many countries, the most common and perhaps most important role of dogs is as companions.Dogs help people in many ways but we love them for their loyalty.Their loyalty makes them our best friends.
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тест по страноведению I. Как называется знаменитый двухэтажный экскурсионный автобус для туристического осмотра в Англии? Даблтрекер Дабллеккер Даблpод 2. Как называется знаменитое колесо обозрения в Лондоне? Око Лондона Глаз Лондона Вид Лондольф 3 как порт. Причала которого 10 апреля 1912 г. Отошел печально называется от Порт Артур Саутремнронский порт Порт Эдинбурга 4. Чем не является Лондонский Тауэр? Крепость Королевский дворец Ее Величества Парламент 5, Кто такие сбифитеры »? Швейцары в парламенте Стражники в лондонском Тауэре Водители кабов в Лондоне 6. В каком парке находится знаменитый «Уголок ораторов», где каждый может почувствовать себя оратором? Гайд-Парк Pнныoнд-парк Риджентс-парк 7, Башней какого-нибудь дворца является знаменитым Биг Бен? Вестминстерский дворец bленхеймский дворец Данфепмлинский дворец 8. Чем знаменита Королевская обсерватория? 9. Как называется знаменитое мериалитическое сооружение, представляющее собой комплекс кольцевых и подковообразных земляных и каменных конструкций. Расположенное в Англии? Денвер Стоунхедж Абердин 10. Как называется знаменитый театр Лондона, который неразрывно связан с деятельностью великого Шекспира? Глобус Ла скала Королевский театр
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Допоможіть будь ласка з перекладом
Oh, Julie, hello! I’m so glad to see you, dear. I miss you so much. Would you like a cup of tea? I’ve just baked a very delicious apple-tart and you always had a sweet tooth.
No, thanks. I’ve already had breakfast at the Macdonalds. I had a Big Mac, chips and a cup of coffee with cakes. You see, I’ve been having meals at a cafe since last Wednesday.
But why? You hired a cook not so long ago, as far as I remember Has she fallen ill?
Oh no, she’s OK. The fact is that she’s no longer my cook. Samuel gave her the sack last Wednesday.
You don’t say so! How dared he?
Well, we had a row. He said he was not satisfied with her work. He couldn’t eat what she cooked. All her dishes were too chilly, some of them were even disgusting, to his mind. So he had stomachaches. He said, he wasn’t going to pay so much for "personal style in cooking" only, as he couldn’t afford it anymore.
Oh, my poor girl. What a pity! What a selfish and callous man your husband is! How dares he worry about his own stomach pay no and attention to his wife’s needs and wishes? You remember, my dear, l was always against your marriage. I always told you he wasn’t rich enough.
Oh, Mum, Pachita was so experienced, she worked at the Vice President’s house. Of course, her dishes were a bit too chilly her beefsteaks were often overdone or underdone. Her soup was not always thick enough and her vanilla cake was sometimes bitter. But, for God’s sake, mum, she had her own style in cooking. used to invite guests; I made dinner-parties. And what am supposed to do now, without a cook? Has Samuel ever worried about all that? No, he is not interested in my problems. He cares about his money, he’s constantly economising, that greedy "Scrooge MacDuck"!
My poor little girl! How can I help you?
oh I really don’t know, Mum. Samuel says he’s going to find another cook himself and he doesn’t care a bit about her recommendations And if don’t like her "style’’, I’ll have to cook myself as the majority of wives do! Can you imagine me cooking, Mum? Me, Juliet Oldridge in the kitchen! Never! I’d rather have meals at a cafe.
Don’t be so nervous. Just help yourself to the apple-tart, my girl. I’ll go and talk to Samuel. I’ll explain him that you can’t cook yourself You never did! Maybe, he invite Pachita back to your house.
Hardly. have to cook. I’ll another hire him let I’ll have to I’m afraid, compromise.
You are right, Julie. We must admit that it’s much better for you to have a cook, than to cook yourself Halfa loaf is better than no bread at all.
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Помогите перевести
1. Яка ваша улюблена рибна страва?
2. Я не люблю каву з молоком
3. Я би випив склянку міцного чаю.
4. Хто спік цей пиріг? Він дуже смачний.
5. М’ясо потрібно тушкувати з цибулею та картоплею.
6. Що ви будете їсти на сніданок- варене яйце чи яєчню з шинкою?
7. Вам слід би купити дві буханки білого хліба, одну буханку житнього хліба і кілька булочка.
8. Чи є у вас рибні консерви?
9. Що у вас сьогодні на обід?
10. Я б випив трохи сухого вина.
11. Передайте мені, будь-ласка, сіль та гірчицю.
12. Покласти вам на тарілку трохи молодої картоплі?
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Построить отрицательную форму и задать все вопросы:
My friend always does his homework in the afternoon.
My neighbors are complaining now.
Вопросы(напишу, так как некоторые не знают что их 5 видов) :
1. Yes /no
2. Вопрос выбора (or)
3. Вопрос переспрос (не так ли?) (+, ;- +?)
4.WH (What? Why? Where? И тд. )
5. Вопрос к подлежащему
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Проект про Флориду 6 класс
1. Где находится?
2. Какое население?
3. Какие достопримечательности?
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Можете объяснить как использовать since и for в Present perfect с примерами, с какими словами употребляется, например for 3 years
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Ваш друг участвует в эксперименте. Он должен прожить месяц без компьютера или ноутбука. Какой совет вы ему дадите?
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Use simple Past or Present Perfect:
1.___Helen ever___(try) de-icing aircraft?
2.___you___(go) to the meeting last night?
3.I___never___(be) to Seattle.
4.This year I___(fly) to Athens 3 times so far.
5.Paul and Judith___(be) working for Swiss since 1998.
6.___you___(finish) you flightplan yet?
7.Last night my flight instructor___(come) by. She___(tell) us that this summer they are going to buy a new twin-engined aircraft.
8.I___(visit) many different countries so far. Last summer I___(go) to Italy and 3 years ago I___(be) in Spain. I___(not/visit) Germany yet.
9.When___you___(come) to work in Switzerland?
10.I___(come) in 2007.
11.___you___(watch) the film about the new Dreamliner?
12.They___already___(leave) the Gate
13.How long___you___(know) about the new English ICAO Level 4 exams?
14.I___(know) in 2009, so I___(know) about it for 4 years.
15.What___(happen) at Skyguide last night?
16.___you___(read) "if clouds could talk" when you were on holidays?
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Напишите на русском языке об этом тексте: Dad and I have just arrived in Iceland - the land of fire and ice! I am really looking forward to this holiday. I am going to write everything down in this diary. When we were flying over the island we could see the volcanoes and the glaciries. None of the volcanoes was erupting. I would like to see an eruption - it would be thrilling - but active volcanoes are dangerous. It is safer when they are quit Tomorrow we are going to Hekla. It is an active volcano but it has not erupted for several years. Today we climbed to the top of Hekla. We did not go into the crater, though. There was snow on the ground but in some places the rocks were warm. The snow was melting and the rocks were steaming. Our guide picked up a small rock and told us about it. When the volcano erupts, the rock from deep under the ground comes out of the volcano. The rock is so hot that it is liquid. It runs down the sides of the volcano, then it cools and goes hard. It is called lava. It is not smooth at all. It feels very rough and a bit sharp. You can easily cut yourself on it. Our guide’s name is Ari. In the hotel this evening he drew a diagram of what Hekla looks like inside. Now I understand why the ground was hot. There is liquid rock down there - now! Ari showed us pictures of Hekla erupting. He let me keep this one. He is very nice. He’ a student at the moment but he’s going to be geologist. He knows a lot about rocks and everything about the volcanoes in Iceland
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